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May 26, 2021
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I've about 5 supers which are now more or less full and are starting to be capped (10-15% capped as at yesterday pm). I think it's mostly from OSR and dandelion.
I'm guessing that I should get them off without further delay..?
Just bear in mind with heavy un-capped supers, nectar does weigh a lot and when 2 or three supers are ‘ripened’ by the bees this may result in a single finished super. While colonies are strong with bees & therefore a lot of warmth in the hive don’t panic about the crop setting.:hairpull:

When the petals are dropping from OSR & your bees have all buggered off to your neighbours swarm box is when you need to seriously consider extraction. Taking off too early will give you just as many issues with ‘un-ripened’ honey.
In my experience some will have already set. Frames that fail the shake test in the apiary get left on. At home they go through refractometer. I give them all back to the bees to clean up or to start storing in again. It just all goes round and round the circle. None wasted
If that's me you are asking,Dani, he is Henry our soppy 3 year old retriever. My wife has had dogs most of her life. H is my first. Glad she persuaded me. Love him. A gorgeous temperament
If that's me you are asking,Dani, he is Henry our soppy 3 year old retriever. My wife has had dogs most of her life. H is my first. Glad she persuaded me. Love him. A gorgeous temperament
Just had to ask. What a sweetie.
I took 4x supers off and spun out 23.5kg of honey which turned out to be 18% water content.
Wet supers back on.
I left the final super on because it seemed quite 'drippy' when I took it off.
You will be pleased to know that for some reason when they digest the honey the second time to clean the frames up it doesn't seem to set as hard if they re -store it. No idea why
Nothing like a bit of regurgitation! One of my children refers to it as bee vomit at school. Obviously a good way to promote it as trade is steady.
Nothing like a bit of regurgitation! One of my children refers to it as bee vomit at school. Obviously a good way to promote it as trade is steady.

Kids, eh? Tell them something's healthy and tasty and they won't go near it. Call it something like "bee vomit" and you have to beat them off with a stick :D

Though having said that, my daughter still won't eat "crunchy maggots" (cashew nuts).


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