This and other remarks were a little defensive indicating discomfort, actually much the same sort of discomfort that PH sought to advise you about in his inimitable way.
Maybe the fact that I lost a free hosted forum a couple of years ago that was running phpbb with over 62,000 posts and over 10,000 members may have something to do with it ?
The discocomfort I feel is in no way down to the financial assistance I am getting from members in support of running the forum,its more the fact that any forum will always have one or two members that will find something to complain about.
Being "Blunt" I would say that even if I stopped donations and continued as before paying for everything myself some members would still find the time to moan.
I cant see what the problem is ? I give up my evenings to run a forum that is free to everyone and takes donations towards its costs on a voluntary basis and yet some members seem to fear the future success that the forum may have and have put it upon themselves to advise me of future potential problems.
I see you have both said you are tellers of hard truths,without trying to insult you both I believe its just an excuse for plain arrogance.
I am the type of person that if a lady says does my hair look nice I will say she looks fantastic whilst I asume you would tell her she looks like a dogs dinner and be proud of yourself for telling it as it is?
I am more than happy to take criticism regards how the forum is run if it is of benefit to other members,but if I had been asked what member I expected to jump in and agree first I would of said yourself Hombre.
I realise that rather than moaning the original post was an offer of guidance but these type of threads often turn sour with someone getting upset.