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"Super Models" He built HMS Fearless, and also did a series where he built a railway in his backgarden.

It was not just about boats, but any model radio controlled, generally of the larger scale.

Great Series!

Saw a bit of it the other week, one of the channels must be showing repeats of it.

Edit to add, just googled it and looks like it is on Sundays at midday on Shed
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I was disappointed as when that channel started I thought it was going to be about sheds. I cant be the only chap that likes a nice shed lol.
I was disappointed as when that channel started I thought it was going to be about sheds. I cant be the only chap that likes a nice shed lol.

No you are not the only one.

Have you not see the series called "Shed Heads" at was all about sheds.
we wanted to see if we could get the set of videos for humbug

Your lad will not be impressed if you get him some videos, unless we have just gone back to the 80's:eek:

Or is it really just a present for you?

Sometimes I do wonder how I mange to watch all my strange programs, This Old house is one of my tops, and yet still mange to do all my outside jobs.
I have just reclaimed my shed after many trips to the Tip to get rid of old bits of bike and other useful things I thought i needed

Who would have thought I could have collected so much beekeeping stuff!!

Mmm might have to plan for a shed extension in the near future
Talking of sheds:

THIRD INTERVIEWER (Eric Idle): Last week The Royal Festival Hall saw the first performance of a new symphony by one of the world's leading modern composers, Arthur "Two-Sheds" Jackson. Mr. Jackson.
JACKSON (Terry Jones): Good evening.
INT: May I just sidetrack you for one moment. Mr. Jackson, this, what should I call it, nickname of yours.
JAC: Oh yes.
INT: "Two-Sheds." How did you come by it?
JAC: Well I don't use it myself, it's just a few of my friends call me "Two-Sheds."
INT: I see, and do you in fact have two sheds?
JAC: No. No, I've only one shed. I've had one for some time, but a few years ago I said I was thinking of getting another one and since then some people have called me "Two-Sheds."
INT: In spite of the fact that you have only one.
JAC: Yes.
INT: I see, and are you thinking of purchasing a second shed?
JAC: No.
INT: To bring you in line with your epithet.
JAC: No.
INT: I see, I see. Well let's return to your symphony. Ah, now then, did you write this symphony... in the shed?
JAC: ... No.
INT: Have you written any of your recent works in this shed of yours?
JAC: No it's just a perfectly ordinary garden shed.

A picture of a shed appears on the screen behind them.

INT: I see. And you're thinking of buying this second shed to write in.
JAC: No, no. Look, this shed business, it doesn't really matter at all, the sheds aren't important. It's just a few friends call me "Two-Sheds," and that's all there is to it. I wish you'd ask me about my music. I'm a composer. People always ask me about the sheds, they've got it out of proportion, I'm fed up with the sheds, I wish I'd never got it in the first place.
INT: I expect you're probably thinking of selling one.
JAC: I will sell one.
INT: Then you'd be Arthur "No-Sheds" Jackson.
JAC: Look forget about the sheds. They don't matter.
INT: Mr. Jackson I think with respect, we ought to talk about your symphony.
JAC: What?
INT: Apparently your symphony was written for organ and tympani.
JAC: (Catches sight of the picture of the shed behind him.) What's that?
INT: What's what?
JAC: It's a shed. Get it off.

He points to BP screen shed. The picture of the shed disappears and is replaced by a picture of Jackson. Jackson looks at it carefully.

JAC: Right.
INT: Now then Mr. Jackson... your symphony.

Caption appears: "ARTHUR "TWO-SHEDS" JACKSON.

The picture of jackson is replaced by a picture of two sheds, one with a question mark over it.

INT: I understand that you used to be interested in train spotting.
JAC: What?
INT: I understand that about thirty years ago you were extremely interested in train spotting.
JAC: What's this got to do with my bloody music?

Enter SECOND INTERVIEWER from earlier sketch.

2INT (John Cleese): Are you having any trouble from him?
INT: Yes, a little.
2INT: Well we interviewers are more than a match for the likes of you, "Two-Sheds."
INT: Yes make yourself scarce "Two-Sheds." This studio isn't big enough for the three of us.

They push him away and propel him out.

JAC: What are you doing? (He is pushed out of vision with a crash.)
2INT: Get your own Arts programme you fairy!
INT: (To camera) Arthur "Two-Sheds" Jackson.

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