Common courtesy please

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Maybe its about time the forum got a good overhaul though.
That's the penalty,if you might call it that, for having such a successful forum, but the danger is that you might get lost in the subdivisions.
I am a newbee and I DO "search" and there are a lot of posts thrown up by a search but you have to trawl through them. Usually the info IS there (is there anything that needs INSTANT action?)
I have posted on another forum where I am qualified to answer and am always happy to BUT the number of similar questions(and answers) posted just days before can grate. But (another but) you can reply or not.
I think you can leave it as it is and new posters should accept the occasional ass reply:smilielol5:
AND on that vein.....It's really entertaining to read the spats. Long may they reign unmoderated.
do you have to allow for 'top bee space' in the height of the garage, to allow opening of the boot without scratching the paintwork on the cieling?

Already been answered in a previous thread. See 'Supering Up' the new Mercedes Bee Class (Latin name: Apis Taker). Botton Bee space depends on how thick the upholstery is.
No you dig out the garage so as to have "Bottom Bee space" natch!

AND on that vein.....It's really entertaining to read the spats. Long may they reign unmoderated.

I agree - (good natured) spats are part of what makes a good forum....
I have enjoyed many a flame war on many fora... and no doubt will be involved in some more.

I don't agree with newbies being "picked on" - although I think its fair enough to point them to the search facility.
If the accepted culture is to "take the piss" then you've got to be able to "take it" as well as "dish it out"....

Often these things sort them selves out.........
Nobody is forcing anyone to answer a post: if it's a daft question then just ignore it, rather than pointing out that it's daft. Someone else will be along to answer it in due course.

As a teacher, the number of times I respond to less than intelligent questions with a "that's an interesting suggestion Johny - what do other members of the class think?" is beyond recall. No point in putting them down - they just wouldn't bother to ask again.

I fully agree with your thoughts.

There are a few people on this site who as my gran says are 'Just know it alls'. They lurk daily jumping on posts. Moaning on about how they 'posted in depth some weeks ago'. If they can't say something positive then they should refrain from responding at all. They need to get out a bit more but.......! Sad to say I never read posts from those few moaners as they are so very predictable.
There are as many ways to keep bees as there are beekeepers and this site could do without these know it alls who've read a few books, kept a few bees and posted 1000's of posts.
If you are really lucky one of them might even pm you!
The other site is very good and good advice can be sought there. Just out of interest the moaners don't seem to be there in such great numbers.

Now off to do something really exciting.
The other site is very good and good advice can be sought there. Just out of interest the moaners don't seem to be there in such great numbers.

Now off to do something really exciting.

Whats this a bloody advert !!

And how long would your post last on the t'uther side ? It would of been deleted by now.

As I have said in the past:
If you want the square root of a pickled onion goes ask there,If you want to know how to get the lid off the jar or anything else practical ask here..
The darkside has a very good turnout of seudo-scientists and back slappers while we just get the moaners.
I know what I prefer.
don't you know ?

slightly off thread...

it's like myspace, but for bees !!!



(I admit I just heard it on Radio 4!!)

So did I whilst running my grandson to the Air cadets .
Glad to meet another saddo :D:D

John Wilkinson
I thought Radio 4 was compulsary listening when putting bee stuff together ?
One of the pleasures in life I look forward to is going into the shed and knocking in nails while listening.
Wow. I never thought I would generate such a passionate response. Firstly, Let me be big enough to apologise for any upset I may have caused. As I said initially I think this forum is, in the main, helpful and supportive. Fortunately, I have not so far posted a question about bees to which I have received either a sarcastic or dismissive response. I do read up a lot and I have an experienced bee mentor to guide me. The reason I post questions is because I would like to obtain a broad view of particular subject areas. I haven't so far found the need to ask a specific question as such (I'd be afraid to now) - My mentor guides me.

My post was in response to some of the comments that I have read and I feel embarrassed for those on the receiving end. Having replied to one post about there being no need to be insulting or patronising, I then received some rather unpleasant replies. Coming from Liverpool I am quite thick-skinned (no doubt some forum users would say thick-headed) but to be told if you don't like it, get off the forum, your opinions are not wanted here etc etc is a bit much and merely proves my point. As another forum user pointed out, this is cyber bullying by a small number of forum users. That person is correct, and the caustic comments seem to come from the same small number of users. If forum users are fed up with answering the same basic questions, why do they bother to take the time to reply? If you do reply, why not be polite? As another forum user said "you wouldn't speak like that to someones face so why do it on the forum?"

On the up-side, my post has generated some stimulating comments and positive suggestions. And, this may disappoint some, in view of the support that I have received, I am not going to give anyone the satisfaction of leaving the forum. You know who you are and if you dish it out to me again, be sure I will give it back. I am not going to be intimidated by you or anyone else. The scouser has come out fighting (what's new) LOL
Hi Kevi
I know just where you are coming from. That is why I use other forums in tandem. The Scottish**** is a friendly group you might want to look at.

Admin edit,reason:Link posted to forum.
Gotta say Drew & Kevi, as this is a thread started about courtesey, you are showing none yourselves to anyone because this was done to death yesterday, considering that other people were actually on your side, me included, I think you are showing great disrespect by going on about it again. Time to let it drop.....not having a go, just how I see it.
We have managed to self moderate for over 50,000 posts and only now have I had to start contacting members regards showing respect for others.

The forum riules state:


It looks like I need to send a copy of the rules to a few members.
If anyone else would like to get personal with another member I will hand out a 30 day ban(Never had to up to now),its not good for the forum !

I think I can see what the problem is here and am going to deal with it.

Gotta say Drew & Kevi, as this is a thread started about courtesey, you are showing none yourselves to anyone because this was done to death yesterday, considering that other people were actually on your side, me included, I think you are showing great disrespect by going on about it again. Time to let it drop.....not having a go, just how I see it.

Sorry, didn't mean to drone on (excuse the pun). Only just got back on the pc and catching up with the responses, also ticked off with the nasty comments I got on a previous post. But, as I said, at least it generated some good discussion
On the up-side, my post has generated some stimulating comments and positive suggestions. And, this may disappoint some, in view of the support that I have received, I am not going to give anyone the satisfaction of leaving the forum. You know who you are and if you dish it out to me again, be sure I will give it back. I am not going to be intimidated by you or anyone else. The scouser has come out fighting (what's new) LOL

God knows I've tried to stay out of this....but...I think you're reading rather too much into all this. Do you think anyone really cares? I've been on quite a lot of forums in my time (chainsaws, bikes, flying if you have to know), and there are always people getting the hump about something other people said. Either they get on with their lives and forget about it, or descend into poisonous little rants with increasing frequency. Let's hope you go in the former direction, but let's get back to the bees rather than some little squabble that make a school playground look mature.

I'll put one thing straight: you aren't a victim of cyber-bullying. Go have a look at somewhere like if you want to know more about it.
Sorry, didn't mean to drone on (excuse the pun). Only just got back on the pc and catching up with the responses, also ticked off with the nasty comments I got on a previous post. But, as I said, at least it generated some good discussion

nay, it why i like the forum, if everyone agreed, it would be boring

hope your beekeeping goes ok, then in two or three years you will be anwering the questions..make that 6 months......and compared to the springwatch event i was at with an exhibition hive last saturday....none of the questions on here are stupid

Best one satureday...why are you keeping wasps...answer they are Bees....reply no bees are fluffy yours are wasps and they have black stripe
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Can't argue there, good thread, but yesterday the point was raised, discussed and put to bed mainly, that was productive. To now continue is going to be counter productive. Sometimes less is more.

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