yes bob you can, I am.
from what very very little is published about them, a wasp is an alkalide the bee vemon is acidic. or it coul dbe the other way round!!
never used to be allergic ( note not annie shock , just blooming reactive)
i used to spray out lofts for wood worm, and anyone doing that for a living knows where i am coming from.
i was in a small confine loft space that was long and narrow. i pulled the loft insulation out of the way to spray the timber and ripped open a massive and i do mean massive wasp nest. the first thing you do is to smash the light you are carrying to prevent them finding you quickly, the only choice i had was to go down wards, fast, as there was no time to do along crawl back to the opening .
i went through the ceiling head first and landed badly on the floor, discolating my shoulder ran out of the building site screaming like a big hairy little girl,
jumped into the works van, set of two fly spray cans in the cab to kill the followers, started to go into NORMAL SHOCK not annie, did 999 they came to me , i was lucky, i managed to get an address to them before i passed out, an over nighter in cheltenham hospital and home in time for kippers, total counted sting points 100 plus. but not ever hole has a big pile of venom so many were just emptied out but still stinging.
now when i get a wasp sting it looks as if i have a golf ball under my skin, the last time i got stung several years ago i had to ask the local gp's nurse to relive some of the presure it got so big. ( think cartoon sized syring with even bigger needle jabbed in and lump contents drained!
bee stings , not much that a blue bag cant cure or a simple ice cube, i use no over form of chemical to releave the sting unless it is specialy fermented scotish waters
have i an epi pen, NO.
do i want an epi pen NO,
have i been offered and epi pen NO.
my old doc bless him said the only time he gave them out was when there was a true dire out come of risk.
the quack that did the allergy tests with me after wards recons that 12 plus stings will start me going into shock ( not annie shock, just shut down shock)
thats enough for this coward to have shifted from the wasp nest