Bbka to stop endorsing certain pesticides

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For weaselling on behalf of the pesticide industry? Arise Lord Weasel of Bayer!
Well, someone has had an OBE for services to beekeeping, who was instrumental in implementing the original endorsement policy...

I think there are a number of honorary members who should be stripped of their membership.
I see that the Chairman of the BBKA will be speaking at the Ulster Bee Keeper's Associations annual conference in March 2011... I wonder if he would be up to answering a few questions about the BBKA's stance on this issue?
Bayer Crop Science, makes pesticides

Just realised that thier factory is about 1 mile as the bee flies from where I live.

Its had so many name changes over the years that I had lost track of their present name.....

Probably keep changing names and ownership so that they cant be prosecuted.

They polluted the river at the rear of their factory several years ago.

Used to be a regular occurence that staff had to be evacuated because of a leak somewhere.
Well I directly challenged Tim Lovett that he had prostituted us to Bayer for 30 pieces of silver -he waffled an answer...
So go for it- dont let them off the hook- they MUSTN'T do it again...
Don't they tar and feather miscreants in Ulster?:coolgleamA:
Maybe I'll seek forum advice on a few questions to put forward at the Q&A session at the conference!! :) It could be entertaining as there will be a Danish beek speaking at the conference and it is made clear in the programme that Danish beeks do not medicate their hives....
Maybe I'll seek forum advice on a few questions to put forward at the Q&A session at the conference!! :) It could be entertaining as there will be a Danish beek speaking at the conference and it is made clear in the programme that Danish beeks do not medicate their hives....

I tried that once,the reply I got was nothing to do with the question I asked.
Minutes of the Healthy Bees Plan
Project Management Board
2nd Meeting 8th September 2009
Helen Crews
Food & Environment Research Agency [Fera] (Chair)
Helen Carter
Food & Environment Research Agency (Secretary)
Liz McIntosh
Healthy Bees Project Manager Fera
John Home
Bee Farmers’ Association [BFA]
John Howat
Bee Farmers’ Association
[Tim Lovett
British Beekeepers’ Association [BBKA]]
[Martin Smith
British Beekeepers’ Association]
Chris Hartfield
National Farmers’ Union [NFU]
Amy Byrne
Welsh Assembly Government [WAG]
Huw Jones
Welsh Assembly Government
Wally Shaw
Welsh Beekeepers’ Association [WBKA]
Jenny Shaw
Welsh Beekeepers’ Association
1. Introduction. Note of 1st meeting. Highlight Report
The Chair welcomed attendees to the 2nd meeting of the Project Management Board and thanked the BBKA for hosting the meeting in Stoneleigh.
Tim Lovett (BBKA) asked the Chair if he could make an important announcement to the Board prior to the start of the meeting and the Chair welcomed him to do so. The BBKA had met with their trustees on Saturday 6th September and at that meeting they took the unanimous decision to withdraw from the Project Management Board. The Chair was given a copy of a letter which the BBKA had sent to Adrian Belton informing him of this decision and their main reasons for no longer wanting to be represented on the Board.
The Chair asked the BBKA if they would summarise these reasons to the Board members. These were given as:

 They believe the structure of the Project Management Board to be flawed as there are too many different interests involved leading to difficulty in reaching a collective view.

 They have 3,000 – 4,000 new beekeepers to train and are over-stretched.

 They believe that there has been a lack of consultation in the past.

In conclusion, the BBKA said that they were still committed to elements of the Healthy Bees Plan and had a keen interest in the emerging research programme which they intended to remain fully involved in.
The Chair said that Adrian Belton (CEO Fera) would respond to their letter.
Tim Lovett (BBKA) and Martin Smith (BBKA) then left the meeting.

What was the vote in favour of leaving the Healthy bee plan ?

I love this bit:
They have 3,000 – 4,000 new beekeepers to train and are over-stretched.

I hope mr Lovett and Smith realised that they dont have to teach all 4000 new members between themselves,it can be delegated to local area groups.

What a bloody shambles !!
It could be entertaining as there will be a Danish beek speaking at the conference and it is made clear in the programme that Danish beeks do not medicate their hives....

They most certainly do - formic and oxalic acid are widely used for varroa control in Denmark.