Field Bee
No real beekeeper would tolerate keeping them for any longer than it took to find and install a new queen with better genes.
Oh dear, the gross generalisations again!
But then I for one, have never professed to being a "real beekeeper", I'm not even sure I know what one is really!
It's all degrees of nastiness I suppose!
Whilst they're usually little darlings in the air, we have had rather tetchy swarms when we've rehoused them that have settled very nicely.
It would be an expensive business if you re-queened every time a bee said boo!
We've had other "nasty" hives that have settled too.
One had been kicked over, it was an otherwise good colony. Would have been a shame to re-queen. In that particular instance, to want to breed out the fight response would seem a little strange! The chap who did it could be seen on the CCTV running away in a cloud of bees, flailing madly!
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