You just know with years like this one that the first chance to inspect reveals swarm cells. The last few days dodging downpours and splitting hives, suddenly things are kicking off. The brood nests are particularly nice and big this year, I found charged cells with our 2020 yellow line queen today so took the opportunity to make up another mating nuc after finding the queen and putting her in a six frame nuc. This line has been so consistent, I'm proud of the queens they produce and this queen has been a beast. They were probably the largest colony at this site but her daughter from last year was very, very similar in strength.
I was maybe a bit harsh in my assessment of one colony that I had marked for queen raising this year, I'll blame being disappointed at finding they had superseded. They were not their normal, quiet selves when I first inspected them but (on reflection) it was only eleven degrees and the wind was bitter, since then they have been wonderful. Today was no exception so I apologised profusely as she wandered across a comb. Typical, bullseye pattern of brood, pollen, nectar, honey and a look down into the bottom box and all those bees tells me she is doing really well, top marks.
Finally found the Oak tree queen, not seen since I marked her last year.
Last bit of preparation done and a site all sorted for a batch of Amm queens.