7th September Sale

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Queen Bee
Mar 28, 2012
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Damn! A lot more than I ever thought I'd have
Can someone tell me why when trying to order 50 sheets each of foundation for both brood and super frames the bill comes to >£1200???????:eek::eek:

What am I doing wrong?
It will be T hornes
I have lost count the number of times I have been about to hit the pay button when I have noticed that my last order is there in the checkout too!
50 packs of 50........... ?
As you probably know you can buy them in packs of 10 or 50 and there is a rate per pack depending on if you buy 10, 50, 200 (sheets), maybe one of the formula on the sheet is looking up the wrong number or a possible typo..
maybe one of the formula on the sheet is looking up the wrong number or a possible typo..

I've had this problem with most of the big beekeeping suppliers, I order the odd small item of kit - and when the delivery arrives there's half a pallet load - I keep trying to send it back but they insist it's not their fault and it's tough luck I have to keep it SWMBO thinks I should write a scathing letter to put into the WBKA magazine I keep sending it to my cousin who's on the committee but it never seems to get published. I'll have to try again in this year's sales to see if they've resolved the problem.
You don't have to keep it....you can return it under the 'Distance Selling' regulations which are there to protect people buying online :)

Don't let them fob you off in future.
Or he could admit that is what he ordered in the first place? :D Maybe? :) Possibly :(...I'll get my coat...

I have lost count the number of times I have been about to hit the pay button when I have noticed that my last order is there in the checkout too!

Got caught 3 times by the prickly supplier this weekend, but at least I spotted it...just!
You don't have to keep it....you can return it under the 'Distance Selling' regulations which are there to protect people buying online :)

Don't let them fob you off in future.

Don't tell his wife :icon_204-2:

it is surprising how fast you can unpack a Thornes order , dispose of the pallet and put it all the new gear in the garage, IF YOUR WIFE IS OUT
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Clearly, none of you know jenkinsbrynmair and his great compassion.

Realising that someone has made a cock-up, and might risk a reprimand or even losing their job, JBM takes upon himself the burden of accepting the mistake and the additional equipment. And not wanting it to go to waste, he puts himself out and uses it all.

Bless him! A saint amongst beekeepers.

All sorted, thanks to all those who contributed........
Now that August is out of the way and there's a bit more cash in the coffers I went onto the Th0rnes website, only to find the Stockbridge preorder was closed yesterday lunchtime. :smash:
Any forum members going to the Stockbridge sale on Saturday ? would be nice to meet up for a chat. Chris
Well ... it's not TH's sale - there's no sheets of foundation in their sale ! Normal price only ....
True, but if you're going for a pre-order anyway adding a few non-sale items saves postage/petrol later.

You dont mean to say you are thinking of becoming a 2 hive owner do you? lol