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    • F
      I think i will store some in airtight box and see how it goes and the rest will be melted down in winter.I have limited space and kit...
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      I have 5 national poly hives ,three are on tripple brood and 2 are on DB ,I also have a swarm in a paynes poly nuc ,cut out to take 8...
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      Sorry to drag this on,but i had to remove them to give room in the hives and with being short of kit i have been removing them and just...
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      Sorry but i do tend to be getting more forgetfull theese days. As i have more hives this year than previously i am seeing more frames...
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      I have been removing quite a few frames of pollen from brood boxes to make room and although i can see the pollen packed in the cells...
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      fullframe45 replied to the thread What would you do.
      On another note i also have two poly nucs with laying Queens last years (23) so im a bit overstretched as it were and i dont like saying...
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      fullframe45 replied to the thread What would you do.
      one of the trebbles i did think about reducing to two,but on inspecting yesterday, the top BB they are now using it to store honey and...
    • F
      what would you do in this situation.i have five colonies two on treble brood and three on DB. The three on DB are this years Queens(24)...
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      fullframe45 replied to the thread Poly vs wood?.
      For Home made nucs search for( Lancs Lad ) on here, he was my mentor. nucs still going strong after years of use He used to make dozens...
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