I for one am pleased to answer the questions from the NBU honestly, and am grateful for the fact that we even have a Bee Unit, and that the various agencies of DEFRA are actively engaged in the thematic of honeybee health, and that we can e.g. avail ourselves of the services of the Bee Inspectorate.
Only by answering the surveys can these agencies get a true picture of how beekeepers are managing their colonies, and adapt their own advice and enforcement policies accordingly.
The way I read it, if you fall into the any of the following categories, then you are in breach of your legal obligations:
- Using ‘home-made’ concoctions or other non-licensed medicines as a treatment for any medical condition in a colony
- e.g. using generic Oxalic acid
- e.g. even when using an approved OA treatment, not applying in accordance with instructions (e.g. fumigating repeatedly)
- Not keeping a full Vetinary Medicine Administration Record
I would wager that well over 90% of hobby beekeepers fall into one or more of those categories. Are the Bee Inspectors, the BBKA, and all the other conglomerates of the great-and-the-good aware of this ? Of course; they are not stupid.
Are we all going to hell in a handcart ? No.
I personally think we should tell them what they need / want to know, and not be so completely paranoid.