Why use a nucleus box rather than normal box?

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New Bee
Mar 3, 2015
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I am trying to decide what extra equipment would be useful and many posts make reference to using a nucleus for assisting on swarm control etc. What is the advantage of using a nucleus box versus a normal sized box if the space in the normal box is temporarily restricted? My thought process being having a normal size box increases flexibility and isn't bigger better as the colony grows?
As long as you have insulated divider boards there is not much difference. Poly nuc boxes are cheap though and you could have three or four for the price of a full hive.
If it's swarm control then a proper A/S with another hive/brood box is better, but a nucleus is always handy.
Some people will sacrifice colony buildup and honey yield by removing a queen and putting her with one frame of emerging brood and some nurse bees in a nuc full of foundation when they find QC's in the main hive, leave the hive raise a new queen then decide which one to keep. But you're right she won't be in there long before she needs a full hive (unless she's a right duffer)
If you have a suspected supersedure it's easier just to take the queen out into a nucleus rather than risk the fact you got it wrong and they swarm.
My advice would be get both. You will find in time that you will be happier with more than one nuc kicking around as well as additional full size hives.
If it's swarm control then a proper A/S with another hive/brood box is better, but a nucleus is always handy.
Some people will sacrifice colony buildup and honey yield by removing a queen and putting her with one frame of emerging brood and some nurse bees in a nuc full of foundation when they find QC's in the main hive, leave the hive raise a new queen then decide which one to keep. But you're right she won't be in there long before she needs a full hive (unless she's a right duffer)
If you have a suspected supersedure it's easier just to take the queen out into a nucleus rather than risk the fact you got it wrong and they swarm.
My advice would be get both. You will find in time that you will be happier with more than one nuc kicking around as well as additional full size hives.

I believe I asked the same question as the OP last year. Received the same answer.

Get Both ;)

I suppose there are three conclusions then:
1) I should have done a search....
2) The contributors are consistent....
3) I need to get both.

Thanks all.
Nucs great things....also good as bait hives and you can double them up too....maismores or paynes

Amen: my nuc plus extra brood box is a FABULOUS bit of kit; a nice warm way to add the extra frames to a nuc before hiving, get frames drawn etc. Has a swarm to its name too; seems to be a good size.
I am trying to decide what extra equipment would be useful and many posts make reference to using a nucleus for assisting on swarm control etc. What is the advantage of using a nucleus box versus a normal sized box if the space in the normal box is temporarily restricted? My thought process being having a normal size box increases flexibility and isn't bigger better as the colony grows?

Some people like to use one of the various 'The Nucleus Method of Swarm Control' because you can put the queen on a single frame of brood and leave it on the original site and the flying bees will return to it and have a lot of work to do. Other people don't like this method, or prefer to use a brood box, but the chances are that most will have a spare nuc at this time of year rather than a spare brood box - I think that's probably the main advantage.

If you put a small colony into a full sized box, and don't dummy it down, there's a lot of space for them to keep warm and it may be slow to build up. Same with a small swarm.

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