Why many people think that white sugar is poison

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Queen Bee
Nov 8, 2008
Reaction score
Finland, Helsinki
Hive Type
Sugar is the basis of life. What makes it poison?

Read from wikipedia carbohydrate digestion
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And your point is?

When vegan thinks about honey, ordinary person thinks about sugar

.for example many beekeepers think that sugar is not good to bees.

From where that poison idea comes? Brown sugar etc.
And your point is?

It's not Sugar poisoning them, it'll be starch next, potatoes & Pasta for a start, or would that be discriminating against the Irish and Italians???

Anything is bad for you if all you do is pig out on it sat on your backside infront of the TV! Fatties are killing themselves because they're not burning off their intake, SIMPLE!

Plus the good old Tax-man is always out to find easy money. Easy to tax something if you paint it as trying to help the helpless.

Bring back the treadmill (connected to a generator)? Green electricity exercise for the FBs and reduced unemployment! Win - win really?
Potato as food

Fat boiled potato, result: Energy from fat 36%.

Carlic potatoes : Energy from fat 44%
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No it is not a poison - nobody is saying that it is - but having too much sugar in the diet leads to early onset diabetes.
Quite a simple message really with lots of evidence to support it - don't see the problem apart from people trying to think themselves sooooooooooooo much cleverer than everybody else.
Anything is bad for you if all you do is pig out on it sat on your backside infront of the TV! Fatties are killing themselves because they're not burning off their intake, SIMPLE!
Sentence 1) Agree (as I pig out in from of the PC...)
Sentence 2) Not quite that simple, although almost, I agree: glycemic index has a role in diabetes as well as total calories (albeit someone slim can cope with a liter of Coke better than someone obese). It's the surges in demand for insulin that are a challenge. So said litre of coke is objectively worse than however many ounces of oats it is even if neither is burnt off.
3) What about vodka?!
Sentence 1) Agree (as I pig out in from of the PC...)
Sentence 2) Not quite that simple, although almost, I agree: glycemic index has a role in diabetes as well as total calories (albeit someone slim can cope with a liter of Coke better than someone obese). It's the surges in demand for insulin that are a challenge. So said litre of coke is objectively worse than however many ounces of oats it is even if neither is burnt off.
3) What about vodka?!

What about magic mushrooms because by the sound of things someone is full of them (not you by the way) .
I read something earlier in the week about there being a difference in the expression of genes in. We'd fed on a diet of sugar. I'll try to find the link.
Guess Finnie has been drinking reindeer pee after thay have been fed on fly agaric Amanita muscaria..... being a bee shaman graduate I expect???

fly agaric.jpg

Yeghes da
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Guess Finnie has been drinking reindeer pee after thay have been fed on fly agaric Amanita muscaria..... being a bee shaman graduate I expect???

Yeghes da

Yes, I know those inbreeding symptons of Tamar Valley. Da-Da-disease.

Your geography does not match. That happens in Mongolia 5000 km to east.

Better mushrooms you get from Scottish golf courses. That is why golf is so popular.

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Thing is now that sugar is no longer as pure as it used to be.Recent studies have found that it contains residues from pesticides and chemicals that have been used in its production.

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