Why many people think that white sugar is poison

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You are of course correct, it is indeed rude and disgusting. I sometimes slip and speak my mind when it would be better to hold my peace. My apologies to you, you have been nothing but a gentleman. Some of your countrymen have not.

I am not the only one who makes a slip of the fingers from time to time. Utilize: to put to use; turn to profitable account: to utilize a stream to power a mill.

I am not a grammar nazi. I don't go around correcting spelling errors. I was the kid who read the library before I graduated school. That was in the days when there were still cards in the back of the books to sign when checking a book out. Very few books did not have my name in them. I liked to look at the pretty pictures. :) Reading gave me a very large vocabulary, in many cases, I read the words and learned their meaning in context but did not know how to pronounce them. This presented difficulties in life when someone corrected my pronunciation and I had to explain that I had never heard that particular word spoken. I suspect your constant efforts to question my vocabulary are rooted in some deep insecurity from childhood. Please consider seeing a professional to address the problem or save some money by memorizing a 400,000 word dictionary.

Now I have a question for you. Do you and hoppy collude in seeing which can do the most to turn a thread about beekeeping into niggling at other people?

No collusion... I expect both having Welsh as our first language makes us a bit protective of our second.

Utilise, Nazi, memorising..... we use English spelling and proper nouns are capitalised.

BTW Welsh was thoroughly beaten out of me when I attended a school that was an East End of London slum clearance zone after the Nazi bombs had "Blitzed" it! ...... my Grandparents spoke Welsh at home. Sadly I have lost most of it..... but my Granddaughter is fluent as she attends a Welsh speaking school,
I was pleased to see a school on the Isle of Man that was speaking and teaching Manx.
Cornish is similar to Welsh, but I do have difficulty in memorising some of the words, and sometimes will utilise a Welsh word or phrase if I can not bring to mind the equivalent in Cornish!

Hope this brings a conclusion to the sugarfest!

Nos da
Having a reasonable hang of a second language as well as my first (and can mangle a few phrases in a couple more) I suppose I shouldn't mock our colonial cousins who have a struggle coping with one.
No 'Z' in the Welsh language (proper pronunciation is Zed BTW) but we do have a lovely word in the dictionary which comes to mind at the moment

And "moron" is a carrot in welsh, a large carrot has roughly the same oxalic acid in it as a treatment against varroa for one hive and an oxymoron is someone who stumbles onto a forum and humbly picks a fight :)
And "moron" is a carrot in welsh, a large carrot has roughly the same oxalic acid in it as a treatment against varroa for one hive and an oxymoron is someone who stumbles onto a forum and humbly picks a fight :)

Da iawn !
Going back to the original topic there is quite a bit of information on the World Health Organisation site. It makes quite interesting reading I had to google some of the pesticide names to work out what they actually were but if you look at what pesticides are actually found in cane sugar and sugar beet I think you may be surprised.The summary report on pesticides in foodstuffs September 2016 is where I started.
Reading this thread I just think "how sad". Bring on the ripostes, boys!

Regarding the impact of different feed on the length of life of bees, it can be
concluded that feeding with honey, enzyme invert sugar syrup had a positive effect on the
life span of bees
, while addition of brewer's yeast and wort shortens the life of bees
I read something earlier in the week about there being a difference in the expression of genes in. We'd fed on a diet of sugar. I'll try to find the link.

It's not directly our genes that are altered in MOST cases, but the genes of our gut bacteria.
Sugar consumption is now linked to a number of conditions, not just type 2 Diabetes, but dementia, 30% of cancers and all lifestyle diseases. Worse than that it's not just about sugars but carbohydrates.
The more interesting stuff is how our gut bacteria control inflammation and how this affects autoimmune diseases. Imbalance in inflammation of gut lining allows larger particles and bacteria to cross the gut lining, these particles that shouldn't be there cause an immune response. Worse than that, the same inflammatory response affects the blood brain barrier and similarly allows bacteria etc. into the brain causing a variety of neurological disorders including Autism., Dementia, Narcolepsy and truly frightening effect on mental health as nearly half of the bodies dopamine and serotonin plus an array of other neurotransmitters previously thought only to exist in the brain, is produced in the gut and carbohydrates directly affect production and receptor sensitivity.
There's been some incredible work done on the enteric nervous system(2nd brain) in the last year or 2. The Lancet and BMJ have published one last year and another this spring.
On a side note, their findings follow lines very similar to Andrew Wakefield's MMR link to Autism through gut disorders. But I'll let someone else take up that train of thought.
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It's not directly our genes that are altered in MOST cases, but the genes of our gut bacteria.
Sugar consumption is now linked to a number of conditions, not just type 2 Diabetes, but dementia, 30% of cancers and all lifestyle diseases. Worse than that it's not just about sugars but carbohydrates.
The more interesting stuff is how our gut bacteria control inflammation and how this affects autoimmune diseases. Imbalance in inflammation of gut lining allows larger particles and bacteria to cross the gut lining, these particles that shouldn't be there cause an immune response. Worse than that, the same inflammatory response affects the blood brain barrier and similarly allows bacteria etc. into the brain causing a variety of neurological disorders including Autism., Dementia, Narcolepsy and truly frightening effect on mental health as nearly half of the bodies dopamine and serotonin plus an array of other neurotransmitters previously thought only to exist in the brain, is produced in the gut and carbohydrates directly affect production and receptor sensitivity.
There's been some incredible work done on the enteric nervous system(2nd brain) in the last year or 2. The Lancet and BMJ have published one last year and another this spring.
On a side note, their findings follow lines very similar to Andrew Wakefield's MMR link to Autism through gut disorders. But I'll let someone else take up that train of thought.

I thought Finman would have been along by now to correct you with one of his professor degrees in something or other.

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