Why many people think that white sugar is poison

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Should this thread be transferred to the 'off topic' section? Whilst in the beekeeping section it should refer to bee diet, not that of humans?

Dihydrogen monoxide, in excess, can be just as lethal as carbon monoxide, but while we can do without the latter the former is a necessity of life.

Insecticides should only kill insects but the effects are much more wide ranging. Think DDT and neonicotinoids (but not exclusively).

Herbicides are for killing plants, but think here paraquat, per eg.

On second thoughts perhaps the thread should be moved to the pesticides, etc section!
Should this thread be transferred to the 'off topic' section? Whilst in the beekeeping section it should refer to bee diet, not that of humans?

It is very good that we talk at same time sugar as human food.

There are lots of talking that white sugar is that and white sugar is that.

How many times we have talked that bees must have inverted sugar and inverted apifonda, and guys are ready to pay 3-fold prices from that.

Humans do not need inverted sugar? Why? Very many flowers have sucrose nectar. Every day we can read about "natural sugar". But why bees do not need inverted sugas? Because they invert their sugar without human help in their gut. Just like all other animals.

It is ignored, that 1000 hive owners feed their hives with sucrose and bees live with it 9 months.
Somebody says that inverted sugar saved his 50 hives last winter. But not in last previous 20 winter, when they got ordinary sugar (he sells inverted sugar now)

But normal sugar kills best top bar hives. They must have honey, absolutely.

Why I started this chain? Because few member of forum barked vegans without any reason.

Like my wife, she could not drink tap water from cemetery. Holy water from towns normal pipe lines.
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But finman, isn't the UK the ultimate nanny state?

In a nation that provides health care, each citizen bears the burden of care for the obese. That burden might be a bit lighter given that obese people tend to have short lifespans.

I would rather that than a country where health is measured by the size of your bank balance.
It's a poor and sad country that cannot care for the sick before first checking their credit history.
Hmmm. The bottom line....

Beekeepers know very little about bee nutrition. Bees take care of themselves however.

Perhaps beejs do not know much about human nutrition either. Simple humbug sells better than the facts, what people do not understand.

.. And the national game, to bark everything which moves, included. That was the basis of vegan discussion.
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:icon_204-2::icon_204-2::icon_204-2: I enjoy listening to your barking!!:icon_204-2::icon_204-2::icon_204-2:

Yeghes da

I wonder that is your age. Your every writing is a miserable joke.
It is better to prelaugh to your own joke, that at least somebody laughs. You are happy about everything.

My barking.... I am really tired to "English intellectual poking". Half of this forum is that eternal bull ****.... Produced by few nembers. Intellectual **** covers all issues.

And Welsh intellectual.... Goodle does not find connection between these two terms.

He laughs last who has strongest medication

I have been on forums so long that those icons have no meaning to me.
Get a life icanhoppy.
Do not loose you only life with those icons.

:spy:A forum without icons would be such a dull place... although we are lucky to have our European and Ex colonials to brighten our days with their strange little musings!:sos:

Adds sugar to the otherwise bitter pill some would have you swallow!

Nos da
I think finman managed to say "welsh intellectual" is an oxymoron: a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in “cruel kindness” or “to make haste slowly.”

Where there should be a large number of skilled beekeepers assisting those who are just getting started, there instead is a constant picking at anyone who posts something relevant to beekeeping. I sometimes wonder if welshmen started life out picking boogers out of their noses and when they were told not to do that, they started picking at each other.
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I think finman managed to say "welsh intellectual" is an oxymoron: a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in “cruel kindness” or “to make haste slowly.”

Where there should be a large number of skilled beekeepers assisting those who are just getting started, there instead is a constant picking at anyone who posts something relevant to beekeeping. I sometimes wonder if welshmen started live out picking boogers out of their noses and when they were told not to do that, they started picking at each other.

Looks like we made the USA and the legend of Madoc
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welsh_settlement_in_the_Americas This is going off topic.
I had read the legend of Prince Madoc long ago. There are people in this area who claim to be his descendants. If you would like to read some interesting tales, check out this website. http://www.gloriafarley.com/ I have often visited the area where some of the Carthaginian coins were found though I did not know of it at the time. There are two confirmed Viking settlements on the east coast of Canada that date @1000 years ago.
The Carthaginian were an amazing civilisation and worth a study. Their ship building was second to none and far superior to any Roman ship at the time. Many more interesting facts about them.
And as for noses I know what I would like to do to somebody's right now, what a rude and disgusting thing to say about anyone, nation or race.
Some people where dragged up not brought up
The best thing for this country to do is ban soft drinks and fast food chains from America, I don't particularly like what they have done to the American citizens.

The National health does bare the burdens of its people, whether obese, drive a car, ride a horse, swim, walk, drink and even smoke. So nobody is innocent and most of us pay it and use it.

Rather a good thing in might say
I think finman managed to say "welsh intellectual" is an oxymoron: a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in “cruel kindness” or “to make haste slowly.”

I'm surprised you have an adequate enough hang of the alphabet to be able to utilise a dictionary to cut and paste that (Bet you still haven't a clue what it means), althogh I'm sure you can relate to the second syllable.
I'm surprised you have an adequate enough hang of the alphabet to be able to utilise a dictionary to cut and paste that (Bet you still haven't a clue what it means), althogh I'm sure you can relate to the second syllable.

STEADY ON JBM.... you will get us banned... upsetting our EX colonials and EX European friends... they do not have a clue about Celtic humor!

what a rude and disgusting thing to say about anyone, nation or race.
You are of course correct, it is indeed rude and disgusting. I sometimes slip and speak my mind when it would be better to hold my peace. My apologies to you, you have been nothing but a gentleman. Some of your countrymen have not.

I'm surprised you have an adequate enough hang of the alphabet to be able to utilise a dictionary
I am not the only one who makes a slip of the fingers from time to time. Utilize: to put to use; turn to profitable account: to utilize a stream to power a mill.

I am not a grammar nazi. I don't go around correcting spelling errors. I was the kid who read the library before I graduated school. That was in the days when there were still cards in the back of the books to sign when checking a book out. Very few books did not have my name in them. I liked to look at the pretty pictures. :) Reading gave me a very large vocabulary, in many cases, I read the words and learned their meaning in context but did not know how to pronounce them. This presented difficulties in life when someone corrected my pronunciation and I had to explain that I had never heard that particular word spoken. I suspect your constant efforts to question my vocabulary are rooted in some deep insecurity from childhood. Please consider seeing a professional to address the problem or save some money by memorizing a 400,000 word dictionary.

Now I have a question for you. Do you and hoppy collude in seeing which can do the most to turn a thread about beekeeping into niggling at other people?

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