I have a bit of drawn comb but mostly foundation.Know they have 'Artificially made' Drawn out Comb in the USA.
Any use Info wise ?
I know they have 'artificial Comb' that's used in the USA.
I believe its Branded 'Better Comb'.
Some Stateside Beeks on YouTube promo it in their Apiaries.

Just now. . .
Googled 'artificially drawn comb'.
This Company's info showed.

Hexacells dot com
Not adding web url/link in case the Forum doesn't allow it.
Seem's 'it' could be a Product with an (issue) if : Its Artificially Made and goes back into 'Wax' Deposit Cash setups.(Beeswax into : ££'s.)
Sure somewhere here will know the Science bit !

Also : if its coming froma say a Chinese

Supplier. How 'Bee' or "Food" Grade safe could it be ?
I personally think you would fail on that Nuc 'Creation at that speed'.
Is their any Franchising or 'Out Sourcing' re Nucs: in Commercial Bee Keeping (?)
I'm only a Hobby Beek. And know despite all endeavours, if you have a Wet Summer, followed by a Cold Winter, any 'stretched' Nuc would probably crash and burn.
Could a more sustainable x2 or x3 Years Increase : 'Business Plan' be more "Bee" achievable ?
Maybe some of the Big Boys in Bees (Stateside they have huge Colony set ups going.) But then their Season/Weather/Forage and the vast Landscape they utilise, makes it a whole different ball game.
Sorry for to much Yank spiel, (but I have family in the USA.) And do like following several Beeks over there. One regularly 'Comments' on this Forum. He might have a better understanding or Suggestion re Fast Nuc Business 'turnover.' In making those "Bees" fast, rather than the 'bucks'. . .