When Bees are Asleep.

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May 29, 2010
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3 National Hives & 1 Observation Hive.(Indoors) & lots of empty boxes..
What to don in the winter when the bees are resting..

A big parcel in plain brown wrapper arrived this morning.

I suppose I must have bought it.......

Unwrapped it and found one of these...


The wife might believe its a leaf blower...
Should I keep my head down when going to our society meeting in Norwich tomorrow or will you still be reading the manual?
Should I keep my head down when going to our society meeting in Norwich tomorrow or will you still be reading the manual?


You wuss..

I shall probably still be waiting for it to stop raining..
Your toast fella best box it up and send it my way. Whats the payload it can carry?
Your toast fella best box it up and send it my way. Whats the payload it can carry?
The quad has a Go Home function so I could make it hover near a hive, hook a frame ogfhoney up to it and press the go home button, and it would go to wherever I had programmed "home" to be.......and it would blow the bees off at the same time.
Or chop them into a million pieces!!!

Yes I have found that helicopters and bees dont mix. If they are flying anywhere near they get sucked onto the rotors.. and propelled into the distance with some speed.............................and great force if one happens to hit you...
sling a weighing scale to the under carriage for weighing hives, don't forget to add down force to the total
I want one ... but I'm really struggling with a reason to give SWMBO for HER to have one for Christmas ...

I've had (and broken) many model aeroplanes in the past and this little beast looks so much more stable (and manouevrable !). Hang a camera under it and the possibilities are endless ...

Oh no ... what have I just said ?
Tell her she wont be able to fly one! Women are no good at that sort of thing.

Have got a camera for mine but just waiting for an adaptor lead. It will transmit what is being filmed back to a screen on the transmitter..

I saved about £170 by buying the quad, and then the camera stuff seperately.
I know that some time ago Welsh farmers where using helicopters with cameras to see where thier sheep were...
Can you fly it upside-down and cut the grass around the hives? or is that a flymo
UMM... This could be the new way to move Hives around...
Just block up the entrance, fly them down the road and follow in the car. ( stand out of the sun roof )

Whats the top speed ? or how far can they travel before the Batteries go into auto land mode !!!!!!
If I tell my wife it's beekeeping equipment , I'll be able to order one today.

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