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Aug 16, 2017
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Hi all. Your advice would be appreciated. I got a new colony in early June which was a bit slow to get started. suspect is was being robbed to start with, so reduced the entrance and gave them a feed. The colony expanded brilliantly - and a few weeks ago the brood box nearly full. I added a super to give them some more space and they have drawn 3 frames fully - all nectar (none capped).

My question is what to do in the coming weeks - leave the partially filled super on and let them take stores to the brood box for winter, or feed next month with the super on and let them fill some more? I leave the super on for the winter without the QE, then will likely have brood in it come spring - and my plan was to double-brood them next year rather than brood +1/2.

What do you reckon?
Thanks for your help
Thanks - put the super under the brood box?

Yes. NO QEs anywhere. The bees will move stores up into brood box and in spring you can remove it before they start expanding. I do that on all my hives.
Good advice and please note removal of queen excluder, or your queen may get isolated and die in the cold weather