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All bar one which swarmed weeks after I’d started it. I have to be really on top of varroa treatment with them.
Thanks for that clarification. I didn't feel very comfortable with the riser-spacer since no matter how carefully it was constructed my view was that it was never likely to fit perfectly. On the other hand, I could see no reason why the bees in the top brood box couldn't pass down through the QX if they wanted to (other than the drones of course) or indeed pass out of the brood-box (but remain inside the WBC outer walls) through a slot in the Demaree board and then if so minded could exit to the outside world through the main hive entrance. After all, although I'd have separated the brood into two they are essentially the same colony, are they not?You don't need an upper entrance for a Demarree, that's just a recent 'invention' the bees will cope just as well without it as long as you continue to at least inspect the top box weekly.
yesalthough I'd have separated the brood into two they are essentially the same colony, are they not?
So you don’t take the top box away?I had 4 demaree going over the season with foundation all in the lower bb and the frame the queen was on.
I didn't rotate any frames from the bottom bb but added supers in between bbs and then on top. finished one of these colonys of on the Heather.
2 other demaree I used brood frames from the bottom bb to make nucs with extra frames of stores.
In thought I've not rotated frames and you don't really need to.
This season I've had double brood colonys crammed with wall to wall brood and know swarm preps.
Demarree singles the same get the space right above them when the flow is on and your away.
All bar one which swarmed weeks after I’d started it. I have to be really on top of varroa treatment with them.
Because it's a bore checking every 5 days or so and swapping frames around? Or because the effect wears off?I think if you have a long season like you do trying to keep a Demaree going for that long is a challenge.
If you’re finding the Demaree gets on top of you then you can try putting a frame of foundation into the middle of the brood.the colonies certainly did get huge (in my experience anyway)
but Beedogg, it wasnt about boredom or effect wearing off.....i was able to continue to rotate frames for a good few weeks but for some reason i ended up finding swarm preps in the lower bb meaning the rolling demaree wasnt able to continue into the summer.
I took Dani's answer to mean a longer season here than where she is ie they started building up very fast in March and by early summer, had been rolling a good while.
I wondered if I should accept that they will need to be split at some point in a season and therefore was contemplating allowing them to re-queen a week or two before spring flow is over to give the new queen a chance to start laying up for a summer forage force....rather than what happened, which was a requeening a week before the summer flow was on if that makes sense
If you’re finding the Demaree gets on top of you then you can try putting a frame of foundation into the middle of the brood.
I must admit that my biggest colonies get simply split.
very unlikely, I do that all the time.which did mean some small patches of capped brood about to emerge, went back down to LBB (although these were largely empty frames, but with some nectar as described)
this may have prompted swarm preps along with size of colony
I Demaree 14x12. Backfilling brood frames is a pain if they do it early. I have tried a third super in between the two broods even though there are supers on top already. I try to make sure the super on top of the top box has lots of roomagreed Murox
the other point i'm reflecting on was that i was removing newly laid up frames from LBB rather than waiting for them to be capped because the UBB frames were emerging and being backfilled with nectar rapidly (i did have an upper entrance)....which did mean some small patches of capped brood about to emerge, went back down to LBB (although these were largely empty frames, but with some nectar as described)
this may have prompted swarm preps along with size of colony...they were v full brood boxes of bees
My thoughts exactly the third box would go directly above the lbb.You needed a third box.