What is an abnormal reaction to a sting?

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Drone Bee
Sep 11, 2009
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An Essex boy stranded in Leeds
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It varies.
The Bhoy's post earlier today describes how his legs swelled up when he was stung. I was stung on the forehead over the weekend and my cheeks swelled up so that my eyes were virtually closed.
I ran into a doctor friend yesterday (I'm glad it wasn't Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or I'd have been staked) and he asked if I was allergic to bee stings. I don't think so, but it raises the question - what's normal and what sort of reaction should make you consider giving the hobby up or following DP4's route, and seeking desensitisation?
well one sting on my finger would involve the whole of my arm past my elbow swelling up to the point that I couldn't bend my wrist or elbow, and then I started to get track marks about 1inch wide going up my arm to my armpit. Plus feeling hot in the face, sometimes itching and redness in the nether region. Trust me you know when its bad lol.

I would say yours looks like that because the forehead has nothing for the sting to swell so it moved down to the cheeks.
I think it varies and depends on the individual.
over the years I have been stung on the ear, nose, lip, cheek, back of head and eyebrow with little reaction in comparison to other areas, hands feet, legs, stomach and back and, I suspect, the amount of venom received. Around eye swelled up and looked like a black eye but not too bad. Stung on cheek yesterday was swollen this morning.

Previous stings on hand have seen my arm balloon up...it's like you can actually see it moving along the arm, have to quickly remove wedding ring if on left hand lol.

Reaction can be varied.....one or two stings to my ankle has seen the foot swell and the leg up to the knee.....
Counted the hits on my feet / ankles last night from yesterday.....16 on my left foot and 13 on the right....feet swelled up and a little bit up my leg but nowhere near as bad as before....likewise stings to arms and hands yesterday...slight swelling on right hand but again, not as bad as before.

I find mostly my neck seems to tense up regardless where I have been stung and a slight headache.

For others it can be 'deadly' if they are seriously allergic...I think there was mention on here last year of one of the members ending up in air ambulance and died a couple of times ............scary way to find out how bad it affects you.


"I was stung on the forehead over the weekend and my cheeks swelled up so that my eyes were virtually closed. "

normal reaction.

assuming no other symptoms.

reaction depends upon individual, site, dose etc etc.
"I was stung on the forehead over the weekend and my cheeks swelled up so that my eyes were virtually closed. "

normal reaction. . . . . . . . . . . .


Looked through the smilies for "whimp" but they don't have one! :nopity:

I look like the elephant man when stung anywhere on the head. All very amusing for the folk at work but otherwise more a symptom of my hobby than anything to worry about!
Not long after I started working with bees, one tagged me on the cheek. The following morning one cheek swelled up giving me an appearance that distinctly resembled a hamster with its mouth stuffed full..... The evening after I was stung the cheek was even more swollen so to be on the safe side I had a wee chat with the out of hours Doctor who asked me to call in so he could see the effect of the sting (I think he just wanted to laugh at me actually!!)
His reasoned response was that a lot of swelling was to be expected from a sting to the face, in particular the soft tissue. He noted that it would be easy for other chemicals slathered onto your face to react with the sting and exacerbate the swelling. Airways etc. were unaffected so he gave me some antihistamines and told me I was a big enough lad to take a double dose to start with in an effort to get the swelling down. This was a Doctor familiar with bee and wasp stings and he commented that many other medical professionals do not know what a normal sting reaction is. On that occasion it was about four days before the swelling went completely.

As Dr S comments, where there are no other symptoms other than swelling.....

The more stings I have picked up since starting beekeeping, the less of a reaction I get.

A good friend ended up with anaphalactic shock last year from a bee sting so I am very conscious about the risks inherent with working with bees
The Bhoy's post earlier today describes how his legs swelled up when he was stung. I was stung on the forehead over the weekend and my cheeks swelled up so that my eyes were virtually closed.
I ran into a doctor friend yesterday (I'm glad it wasn't Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or I'd have been staked) and he asked if I was allergic to bee stings. I don't think so, but it raises the question - what's normal and what sort of reaction should make you consider giving the hobby up or following DP4's route, and seeking desensitisation?

What is an abnormal reaction to a sting?

Depending on the number to swear profusely under my breath!
Got stung on the nose last year at least the wife had a good laugh she thought I looked like quasi modo .Took about 3 or 4 days before my swollen face went back to something resembling normal.
To flesh out DrS's response a little.

Swelling, itching, and rash close to where the sting was taken is entirely normal, and 'normally' would subside within 24/48 hours or so.
Different sting locations on the body may show different amounts of swelling. Head and face seem to swell most.

Any reaction away from the site of the sting (like on the other arm), or any systemic effects (breathless, difficulty breathing, dizziness, light headedness, palpitations or generalised rash) is abnormal and worthy of medical attention.
I ran into a doctor friend yesterday

Well you shouldn't really have been driving if your eyes were that swollen - hope he wasn't badly hurt

"I was stung on the forehead over the weekend and my cheeks swelled up so that my eyes were virtually closed. "

normal reaction.

I've been stung on the cheek and just under the nose - smarts for a few hours, but no swelling to talk about - same as when I was stung in the corner of the eye (on the eyelid not eye itself)
Been stung on the ear once or twice - smarted for an hour or two but no other reaction.
Front of the hands - nothing
Back of the hands - occasional mild swelling
The ankles are the worse, nothing serious but hurts for quite a few hours.

Whilst working with Chris B I once got at least a dozen stings to each index finger (luckily I only have two) off one of his 'quiet' hives, but apart from a little stiffness of the joints for twelve hours, nothing.
and what makes it worse is the fact that there are hundreds of videos on You Tube of people handing bees as if they were flying maggots........:hairpull:
Counted the hits on my feet / ankles last night from yesterday.....16 on my left foot and 13 on the right....feet swelled up and a little bit up my leg but nowhere near as bad as before....likewise stings to arms and hands yesterday...slight swelling on right hand but again, not as bad as before.

Sounds like you were doing a naked beekeeper act.
I got stung by a bee yesterday...

...it sold me a jar of honey for £15

:sorry:(I've only recently heard this one)
"and 'normally' would subside within 24/48 hours or so."

it takes 24-48 hours to full evolve in the first place - then at least the same again to resolve.
well one sting on my finger would involve the whole of my arm past my elbow swelling up to the point that I couldn't bend my wrist or elbow, and then I started to get track marks about 1inch wide going up my arm to my armpit. Plus feeling hot in the face, sometimes itching and redness in the nether region. Trust me you know when its bad lol.

I would consider this a worrying reaction. Tracking? Hot face from a finger sting..Rather excessive surely, Doc S?
To flesh out DrS's response a little.

Swelling, itching, and rash close to where the sting was taken is entirely normal, and 'normally' would subside within 24/48 hours or so.
Different sting locations on the body may show different amounts of swelling. Head and face seem to swell most.

Any reaction away from the site of the sting (like on the other arm), or any systemic effects (breathless, difficulty breathing, dizziness, light headedness, palpitations or generalised rash) is abnormal and worthy of medical attention.

I am currently undergoing desensitisation treatment following an anaphylactic reaction to a sting and the symptoms you describe as abnormal sum it up perfectly. I also had a whooshing sensation in my ears and my lips swelled, followed by stomach cramps, anxiety and the most horrendous rash from head to foot. There's no mistaking an abnormal reaction, I hope I never experience such a thing again.
Heather - totally agree. the non-local/systemic symptoms are precisely why DP4 has been a regular at local immunology department for the last year or so!!!!!!
This thread is freaking me out lol. What if im one of the unlucky ones who gets stung and takes a bad reaction and dies. Is there anyway of testing. The amusing part of my thinking about getting involved with bees is that I honestly think I won't get stung because I will have a suit on

For those in this thread who got stung, was this with a suit on ?
I have a considerably different reaction if I get stung when dehydrated. it is then far, far worse, so try to ensure I am well hydrated before I inspect.
. The amusing part of my thinking about getting involved with bees is that I honestly think I won't get stung because I will have a suit on
For those in this thread who got stung, was this with a suit on ?

Sorry to have to let you in on this, but if they want to sting you then your suit is no defence.
They can sting through leather gloves, suit over denim, rugby shirts etc.

As a beekeeper you will get stung.

You can take measures to try to lessen how often, friendly bees is an obvious start point but even they will sting at some point.
You really wouldnt want to go dressed in armour everytime you open a hive.

Good luck