Bee sting desensitisation course

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fantastic news abi. Im sure they will be ok when they relise that u could die without it and that would be really bad for their business.
I've been away from this forum for some while so didn't pick up on this very interesting thread until this evening - even then, having read the first 10 pages I mistakenly hit 'Last' and was glad that I had done so when I saw it was 28 pages long !

My condolences to those who have had to go through this irksome process and it is good to see that the de-sensitization 'service' seems well founded, and is enabling you to get back to looking after your ladies.

But .... I've been keeping bees for over 50 years in a low key way; at a maximum I had 6+ hives, but most of the time it has been 2 to 4, and I really do have to ask the question as to why are you keepers getting stung so much? What is coming across is beeks who are getting full dosage stings in multiple counts - this seems totally unreasonable and makes me wonder what I am doing right or wrong that I have never been stung, that I can remember, to the levels reported here. I get the occasional 'prick' through my suit and/or gloves, but rarely anything that can be said to be the 50ul of a full dose.

Hi Ambodach

im sure theres lots of reasons as to why people might be getting stung, from nasty bees, to doing inspections when the weather is wrong etc.

what I have noticed though since I started on the course is that as i react less to the stings i become less nervous round the bees and because of that i get stung less. due to my confidence improving.

I would really worry about how i would react to a sting and make me maybe a bit more clumsy about it and im sure i also gave off fear pheromones which they reacted to.

what is interesting was one of my beekeeping friends came round and did some extracting yesterday and he was more nervous about getting stung than me and was surprised i wasn't even interested in the bees around me even though i was only in a tshirt and shorts. i didn't get stung but he did.

One other thing i have noticed over the last year is that there seems to be 2 types of sting, the little tag that hardly hurts at the time and i don't react to at all. then there is the one where you can tell the bee actually ment it which really hurts at the time and i still react to but not as bad but will still swell a bit and itch for maybe 2 days.

hope that helps a bit.
Re what are you doing

I am pretty sure every time I have stung gas been my fault, whether through not being suited up to being at times sausage fingered. I have on some occasions when time allows not gloved up, as it does make you be more careful, and funny enough not been stung. What is nice to show people is when you have a small dot of honey on your finger with bees clearing it up..

That said keeping a cool head helps. I had 4 bees up my t shirt, the bottom elastic on my top was getting worn, yet calmly walking away and lifting up my shirt, they just flew off.
I do now tuck my t shirt in!
Hi dpearce4, Just to wish you well and note that I will be following your progress, as I wait for my first referral appointment at the Bradford Allergy Clinic. I was stung on my lower leg last week and, the evening after, had the biggest blister develop on the sting site. This bad boy just grew and grew, until it looked like a third knee cap! The following evening I had a terrible pain in the region of my liver and up chucked like a good 'un. Saw the GP on Monday and she decided to refer me.
Hi dpearce4, Just to wish you well and note that I will be following your progress, as I wait for my first referral appointment at the Bradford Allergy Clinic. I was stung on my lower leg last week and, the evening after, had the biggest blister develop on the sting site. This bad boy just grew and grew, until it looked like a third knee cap! The following evening I had a terrible pain in the region of my liver and up chucked like a good 'un. Saw the GP on Monday and she decided to refer me.

Hi Linda

Sorry to hear your having bad reactions to stings and thank you for wishing me well. Im glad your doctor has now referred you and I hope you have as good a treatment as I have been receiving from brighton hospital.

I am now near to reaching the end of my second year of treatment and im really pleased with how its going. most times I get stung now I have no reaction other than a little lump that looks like a mozzie bite and lasts no more than a day. Even when I got stung 7 times in august I had next to no reaction ( when I was referred 14 stings nearly killed me with 6hrs in A&E). I still make sure I carry my epi pens and will do all the time I beekeep (just in case).

Just 1 more year to go, but that is only 12 more injections.

I just wish GPs got their act together and referred more people as it makes it easier for hospitals to justify the cost of running these treatments. Instead of just saying to people give up their hobby.
I start my bee sting desensitisation therapy on Tuesday. I was just having a little re- read through this thread in preparation. I will also be interested to see whether I am allergic to both bee and wasp venom - when I went for the skin testing, they seemed to think I was- I have never been stung by a wasp so wouldn't have known. I will wait and see.
I will try and post some pics to track how I get on....
good luck. I will be thinking of you. make sure you stay for the 30mins just in case.
Well week 1 was fine, the first 2 miniscule injections passed without a fuss. Week 2 was a bit more interesting, the first injection was fine, the second injection was not so good. Hot burning rash across my torso, face and neck, swollen red hands and changes to my blood pressure - anti-histamine and prednisolone and a long lie down on the couch! Next week I am going to try week 2 again! At least I was in the hospital in the safest possible place - thank you allergy clinic staff.
Well week 1 was fine, the first 2 miniscule injections passed without a fuss. Week 2 was a bit more interesting, the first injection was fine, the second injection was not so good. Hot burning rash across my torso, face and neck, swollen red hands and changes to my blood pressure - anti-histamine and prednisolone and a long lie down on the couch! Next week I am going to try week 2 again! At least I was in the hospital in the safest possible place - thank you allergy clinic staff.

Hi Abi-e

how did the re doing of the second week go?

Interestingly! after that week 2, I had week 2 again the following week - just the first injection, I reacted to it by going beetroot red. The following week I took cetirizine before hand and still turned red, but just my face, so less of a reaction than previously. So this week the plan was to return to week 1. I am now mentally logging it as week 1/2 as I had half of the week 1 level of injection, having taken the cetirizine beforehand, and managed 2 injections. I have to admit I feel absolutely wiped out afterwards, but back again next week for week 1. I guess everyone is different, but my desensitisation will take longer than most!
Heading for the week 2 injections next week. I think I will be 8 weeks into my 'bespoke' treatment programme, but managed both of this weeks injections with no reaction. Is there anyone else out there who has had a similar experience to me with reactions to such small doses of bee venom?
Just coming up to the end of my first year of treatment and all is going well. However, I am starting a job in Oban in April and am having problems finding a centre to carry on the treatment. The two options Newcastle have given me are:

Aberdeen - 4 1/2 hours away
Newcastle - 5 1/2 hours away

Is there anyone north of the border who has better info? Glasgow would be best, but Edinburgh is another option. My current plan is to carry on driving down to Newcastle, but this is a 500 mile round trip!!
wow that's some commitment go for it kermit
I have some contacts and will ask.

Might it be worth a question on the SBA forum?
just a quick update. Had my usual injection on Wednesday and no reaction what so ever. Happy Days.:winner1st:
I'm still on weekly injections but finally seem to be building up some immunity.
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