What is an abnormal reaction to a sting?

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Sorry to have to let you in on this, but if they want to sting you then your suit is no defence.
They can sting through leather gloves, suit over denim, rugby shirts etc.

As a beekeeper you will get stung.

You can take measures to try to lessen how often, friendly bees is an obvious start point but even they will sting at some point.
You really wouldnt want to go dressed in armour everytime you open a hive.

Good luck

"and 'normally' would subside within 24/48 hours or so."

it takes 24-48 hours to full evolve in the first place - then at least the same again to resolve.

:) I did choose to say "subside" rather than disappear.
If things are still getting worse after 48 hours, that counts as abnormal, and also calls for medical attention.