Bee sting desensitisation course

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Good meeting with the consultant in August. Very relaxed and happy to take me on at Gartnavel (Glasgow). So, it seems relatively easy to move treatment - at least to Glasgow.

We have finally sold the house in Yorkshire and my last treatment at the RVI, Newcastle, is at the end of Nov. So, my first visit to Glasgow will be sometime around Christmas/ New Year. 3 1/2 hours each way on the train or 2 in the car... Still, only a little over a year left.

Apparently Glasgow Gartnavel is the only centre in Scotland offering treatment. However, they are reluctant to take on people with long travel distances like Oban. This is because they do the initial weekly updosing in Jan-Feb-Mar and they know how hard travel can be each week at that time of year. They were happy to take me on as I only need monthly treatment.

I'll post an update in the New Year.
Great news Kermit.

I have just 1 more injection left to go then all done.

Roll on 16th December Its a fantastic Xmas Present.
I wasn't able to have my last injection today as the Prof was unable to run the clinic. So its a wait until Wednesday the 30th Dec for my last injection.
You'll be all set up for the first birthday party on New Year's Day?
Well that's it. Three years long, lots of needles and bee venom but its now all over.

It feels strange knowing that I wont be going to brighton for my injections anymore.
Well that's it. Three years long, lots of needles and bee venom but its now all over.

It feels strange knowing that I wont be going to brighton for my injections anymore.

Well done on making it to the end. Had a similar feeling after stopping having weekly blood tests for over two years
Cheers derek. Just need to sort my back out then I will be sorted for a while.
That's good news, and worth sticking with the programme.

Do you still need to carry an epipen?
That's good news, and worth sticking with the programme.

Do you still need to carry an epipen?

Technically no but I will for this year just in case as they are still in date.
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