Well i must be a strange one as my sting is on my chest and it looks on day 3 like i have an extra breast! Im thinking 3 breasted lady from arni film total recall![]()
That one is a lot less ventilated than the three layer one I got. Check out their web site and look at the three layer ventilated suits, the difference in where the open mesh is is obvious.
Desensitize yourself ....get stung more
I hear about desensitisation courses, but am not convinced.
in the last few years...
my record is 27 stings at once. Felt giddy and sweaty, and the armpit sting hurt for days.
often get stung on the wrist that swells for a couple of hours.
got stung on the back of the hand, and had a lump for 8 months.
got stung three times on the back of the neck, and my face blew up like a balloon to the point I could barely see. (which is not usual!)
my point is, personally, I am not convinced it is the amount you are stung, or the frequency. I believe it is 'where' you are stung, and as Karol says, whether it is infected.
I should also add the majority of stings (to me!) are no worse than a pin prick, as long as the stinger is 'scraped' out and not pinched. Sharp enough to want avoid being stung, but not enough to put you off beekeeping.
The first couple of stings, sit down and don't panic, and try not to be alone. Follow proper medical advice and not a from forum medic.
Stings and reactions vary from person to person, and the location of the sting matters. 'most' people have no issues...
For me its the itching, usually starts at around 24hrs after sting and lasts for 3 to 7 days depending on where the sting is. Deffo much better when scraped out instead of pinched out, however Ive also learned that prompt removal is also important but sometimes you're right in the middle of something and cant just drop everything to remove the sting. Meds dont seem to help either. Next season I will try to keep vinegar nearby and apply immediately after sting removal. I remember rubbing washing up liquid over a wasp sting as a teenager and that helped.
I have a design for a "British Beekeepers Suit", which I stole from "The Navy"![]()
For me its the itching, usually starts at around 24hrs after sting and lasts for 3 to 7 days depending on where the sting is. Deffo much better when scraped out instead of pinched out, however Ive also learned that prompt removal is also important but sometimes you're right in the middle of something and cant just drop everything to remove the sting. Meds dont seem to help either. Next season I will try to keep vinegar nearby and apply immediately after sting removal. I remember rubbing washing up liquid over a wasp sting as a teenager and that helped.
Vinegar (acid) for vespa (wasps) and bicarbonate (alkali) for bee stings is what I learned in the Boy Scouts - got my first aid badge too c.1953
Hadn't the vinegar and bicarb applications been debunked?
I thought I'd read that, with the stings being subcutaneous, these applications to the skin have little effect.
Bit like Doc leaves and nettle stings, there's a psychological component relating to rubbing and a slight cooling effect from the sap, but no medicinal effect.
But hey, if it works for your dog, why not!![]()
I'd had to look into it because people kept asking in school.
Makes no difference there, because with all the H&S stuff we can only apply water and a paper towel.
It's why all the incident reports are the same, "A cold compress was applied...!"
An ice cube usually does the trick, but usually more of it gets sucked by the little darling than rubbed on the sting anyway!
Bit like the magic 50p on bus trips, anything to take their mind off it.
And hey, I'm a strong proponent of such things, I actively indulge in homeopathy, I drink litres of tap water each day!![]()