OCD strikes again !
I had a good friend in Hong Kong who used to send my emails back to me with the punctuation and sintax corrected .. Sad but true .. BUT .. my English was pretty good to start with and his 'lessons' imrpoved it no end.
I'm no pedant but there are a few things that irritate me ..
It's when it should be its
Of when it should be have
There when it should be their
Where when it should be were
Apostrophes where they should not be and missing when they should
Missing commas
Sentences which leave you gasping for breath
An appalling lack of ;
Total reliance on automatic insertion and spell checkers
I try and avoid correcting people unless they ask for assistance .. not everyone got their English beaten in to them 'like what I did' at school and subsequently improved by my pedantic friend ... and it can be irritating unless you have a thick skin 'like what I have'.
And let's not even go near what has happened to spoken English .. Like, yer know, So.