What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Thanks for the replies. I have a good mentor ( at same time even greater friend) and decent stock. If that occur, I will act without hesitation and exceptions ( no matter of breeder queens or not) as should and report to all beeks around me personally ( won't wait that vet inspector inform around about AFB outbreak).In our practice is done shake in new hive if approved by vet inspector and burning, no any antibiotics. I would apply only burning if happen.

Just to mention, I don't have ignore button to no one on the forum.. I just don't reply to certain persons, the way of conversation and things said will lead me at the end to reply in same manner.. After that I would feel bad. I don't need that.. I just wish them luck and relieve from my replies.
Good luck in the spring, Goran.

I admire your stance on destruction, despite having the option in your country of shaking the bees into a new hive. In this country, destruction is the only official course of action for AFB but I think a significant number of beeks would, (misguidedly to my mind), want to "save" even AFB infected bees if they had the option. In fact, there are those, (not far from me), who will do everything they can to avoid being inspected by "the ministry", and don't give a stuff about how their actions affect not just their bees, but those of others around them - and beyond!:hairpull:

I desperately hope you don't need to take any action next year.
Yesterday: watched a few hardy bees going out at 3 C. Not kamikaze, as they were coming back as well. Is it a sign of some kind of desperation on their part???
11C and sunny this pm. Bees flying everywhere. Some bringing in yellowish and white pollen - ivy I assume. Never seen it this late before.

Added fondant to a nuc through my "fondant hole" - a 25cm diameter hole in the 50cm poly crownboard/super. No need to expose the colony to the outside air.

Postman arrived with parcel as I was lighting smoker (unnecessarily) , was interested so gave him a quick guided tour at his request!
It has turned mild and the bees are out and about - some are bringing in pollen even at this time of year.


It is wonderful to see them flying because there's been no sign of them during the recent cold spell.
It has turned mild and the bees are out and about - some are bringing in pollen even at this time of year.


It is wonderful to see them flying because there's been no sign of them during the recent cold spell.

Same here. Gorse pollen, I think ?
32 hives 16 nucs vaped with OA, orientation flights, pollen of different colours coming in. I swear my bees thought it was April 8th and not December 8th.
Replaced the last stand in my Marley Apairy, Hefted the hives all looking good, bees tucked up as only 5 degrees.
I weighed the hive and it come in at 81lb so i am happy with that for now as the bees where flying and bringing quite a bit of yellow pollen in, i also gassed them and when i took the cloth away from the entrance they attacked me good style, i was not going too put the bee suit on but i am glad i did today, that will be me leaving them alone now until next month.
no bees in sight, apart from some new dead ones on the floor
the cling on drones counting more than workers !
quick listen to side of hives and that gentle buzz, tried hefting to see how doing " stuff that " think they got enough until next Christmas let alone spring
no bees in sight, apart from some new dead ones on the floor
the cling on drones counting more than workers !
quick listen to side of hives and that gentle buzz, tried hefting to see how doing " stuff that " think they got enough until next Christmas let alone spring

Dis you have your shredded wheat before giving up ... lol
Hazel catkins start opening. 10C, bees mostly do the cleansing flights.. But some odd goes over 200 meters and wonder what am I doing in the field..
Bees going like the clappers again today, bringing in plenty of creamy coloured pollen. Not sure where from.

Hefted both colonies, both weighing in nicely as far as I can tell. Opened up the entrance of the nuc a bit further as the bees were literally queueing to get in and out. Fingers crossed they are all still there in the new year.

I tested out my new suit I bought from a supplier I hadn't heard of before and must say I am impressed with it! And it only cost me £50!

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