What did you do in the Apiary today?

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It is an old wooden hive which I painted.

No - it's not a QE. As others have surmised, it is a crownboard with a super on top to provide space for insulation and a plastic container of fondant.
we all knew that really, but just making sure as so many new bees keepers have left them in [emoji106]

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No worries. It's good to know folks on here are watching newbies' backs.
Vaped six hives today also re-orientated those I turned during swarming season with six more to go tomorrow for a buddy.
APibioxal into both my poly hives today. I tried going in traditionally through the entrance rather than with a home made bottom board under the floor.

It worked fine with no bad effect to the Poly. I left the varrox in for a good ten minutes so it was cool when I removed it. Easier than going under I must say.
After a bout of norovirus (definitely not recommended!) I wanted to complete OA treatment before the weather breaks tomorrow. So, in 12°C, I went up to the out apiary and found that cattle had gotten in, with the roof on one displaced. I have to assume they were chased out because that was the only disturbed hive. The result was that the hive was so defensive, it made it really difficult to vape. Anyway all done now so hopefully nothing tobworry about until March.
There's not much to do in the apiaries at the moment so I've ordered a couple of books that I've been meaning to read :

Selektion bei der Honigbiene, Buch inkl. Anhang (Selection of the honeybee)
ANHANG 2016, Selektion bei der Honigbiene
K.-F. Tiesler & Eva Englert - Aufzucht und Verwendung von Königinnen (Rearing and use of queens)

They're in German, so, I may be gone for some considerable time ;-)
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There's not much to do in the apiaries at the moment so I've ordered a couple of books that I've been meaning to read :

Selektion bei der Honigbiene, Buch inkl. Anhang (Selection of the honeybee)
ANHANG 2016, Selektion bei der Honigbiene
K.-F. Tiesler & Eva Englert - Aufzucht und Verwendung von Königinnen (Rearing and use of queens)

They're in German, so, I may be gone for some considerable time ;-)

Noooooo.. haha. enjoy. ;)
Vaped first Apiary, first Vape ,

Had forgotten how Bloody heavy they were with stores... Dead weight... gotta sort out an easier way to Vape, as in permanent sub floor to negate need to have to shift them...
any suggestions welcome ??
Vaped first Apiary, first Vape ,

Had forgotten how Bloody heavy they were with stores... Dead weight... gotta sort out an easier way to Vape, as in permanent sub floor to negate need to have to shift them...
any suggestions welcome ??

Not sure what the problem is: I insert the loaded Varrox underneath the OMF but above the Varroa board. Block the gap between the two with sponge strip. I no longer insert the Varrox through the hive entrance because it may melt the plastic bottom bar of the frame above. No lifting needed.
Thanks but on Polyhives necessitates a subfloor, thought i might be missing a clever trick

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I did that last time on my polyhives, but went through the entrance like normal this week and it was fine. Put it in cold and wait until cold removing.
I did that last time on my polyhives, but went through the entrance like normal this week and it was fine. Put it in cold and wait until cold removing.

Ditto but remove when hot. No holes in polyhive (yet)
Yeah , thanks just thinking about it, actually think I did same last January ! ... think I need more Omega 3 in my diet. Thanks for the reminder [emoji41]

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