What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Thats nice to know. Even though they're open mated, they're retaining some of the hygiene.
I'd be interested to hear how productive/gentle they are as they buildup next season, so, please keep me informed.

Very low drops post vaping on those two colonies - and a reassuringly low drop on the one that I was concerned about too.
Caught 5 mice in bee shed since put traps in on 18th. I put the corpses into the compost bins to boost the nitrogen content. Using peanut butter as bait. They love it! Somehow one mouse managed to get its body caught in two traps. We have two cats but they seem to prefer birds rather than mice (one managed to drag an enormous woodpigeon through the cat flap into the kitchen )
I watched them bringing in pollen today. I think it may be gorse. A sign of brooding?
Caught 5 mice in bee shed since put traps in on 18th. I put the corpses into the compost bins to boost the nitrogen content. Using peanut butter as bait. They love it! Somehow one mouse managed to get its body caught in two traps. We have two cats but they seem to prefer birds rather than mice (one managed to drag an enormous woodpigeon through the cat flap into the kitchen )
You seem to have similar Dilemmas to me. they sure do keep you on your toes, two mice in one trap sounds better..:laughing-smiley-004
It was a very warm day near 15C with sunshine so I opened 7 colonies for detailed inspection. I found 2 that are low on stores so will give them a frame of honey in a few weeks . One colony had a palm size patch of brood. The rest are small to medium size queenright colonies with adequate stores to make it to spring. Two colonies in particular I am watching closely as they are intended to be used for breeders as soon as the weather moderates. Weather has been relatively cold, but with a day warm enough for flight about once in 2 weeks. I saw orange pollen being brought in today.

I found a large number of hive beetles (About a thousand) in one colony which I shook off onto a board and killed. It probably does no lasting good, but makes me feel immensely better squishing them. That colony is now marked for queen replacement next summer. I've found that some of my colonies have very few beetles and will breed queens from those with low counts. I don't know who in this area let their bees collapse with beetles, but someone did and the result is a huge influx of beetles to my colonies. Other beekeepers in the area report the same.

I painted 7 square Dadant brood boxes and 7 square shallow supers with the 3rd coat, in the process draining the last of a 5 gallon pail of paint.
I hope you went back and popped some fondant in there

I bumped into the forester, who wanted to know what I was doing on private land! After a very civil exchange, he agreed to chainsaw off the log with bees, so I've since added board top and bottom to make watertight
, given fondant and returned the log to upright. So all's well for Christmas, I'll collect them in January.
I bumped into the forester, who wanted to know what I was doing on private land! After a very civil exchange, he agreed to chainsaw off the log with bees, so I've since added board top and bottom to make watertight
, given fondant and returned the log to upright. So all's well for Christmas, I'll collect them in January.

That's absolutely brilliant.....you deserve a medal :D
Keep us all in the loop and post some pictures please
and Merry Christmas
xmas carols
My son in law has a log hive, I saw a photo of it on the weekend, one of a few he has found. The colony had taken up residence in a section of tree trunk that had been cut and left for quite a while, the sawn ends were well seasoned.
Okay, this was yesterday but I didn't get chance to post it then.

I had to relocate two colonies of mine that had been discovered by kids (I assume) they had undone the strap, removed the crown board and feeder which were strewn around on the floor, and the bees were exposed to the elements!
They were tightly clustered into one corner but still alive, they looked like they had been open for a couple of days so Im glad I discovered them quite quickly and before the storm.
The funny thing is that whoever it was dodged a bullet, of the two colonies there the one they opened is very placid, the other is much stronger and quite aggresssive.
Replaced hive that had been blown over in the storm. Hopefully the bees will be alright.They were clustered and hadn't had a soaking in the rain.
Replaced hive that had been blown over in the storm. Hopefully the bees will be alright.They were clustered and hadn't had a soaking in the rain.

Oh dear! Hope they recover okay.
I went around my hives adding bracing props to the stands, knocked into the ground at an angle then screwed onto the stand, also checked all the straps to make sure they were tight and firmly holding the hive to the stand, just didn't want to take any chances.
I've seen others hives blown over or blown apart (roofs off etc) and would hate this to happen :(
Okay, this was yesterday but I didn't get chance to post it then.

I had to relocate two colonies of mine that had been discovered by kids (I assume) they had undone the strap, removed the crown board and feeder which were strewn around on the floor, and the bees were exposed to the elements!
They were tightly clustered into one corner but still alive, they looked like they had been open for a couple of days so Im glad I discovered them quite quickly and before the storm.
The funny thing is that whoever it was dodged a bullet, of the two colonies there the one they opened is very placid, the other is much stronger and quite aggresssive.

I saw that on FB
Hope they are ok
Inspection tray day and yet again 100+ mites , i gassed them all the same and i will keep doing it now till i see none i am sick to death of varroa, these must be the dirtiest bees in the north east, i definitely need some cleaner bees, lets hoping for next year.
Put on some more fondant this afternoon. Thick streams of bees flying, and yellow pollen coming in. It was over 15 degrees and calm here so I couldn't resist a quick check. Surprised to see brood, festooning bees and newly drawn comb. What month is it again??

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