House Bee
Noted today bees working the white clover for nectar and pollen, must be some moisture in the ground. Bramble will start in a couple of weeks down here and the Lime also, but this rarely gives a good flow.
Noted today bees working the white clover for nectar and pollen, must be some moisture in the ground. Bramble will start in a couple of weeks down here and the Lime also, but this rarely gives a good flow.
That's good news Duckduck. But where is 'here'?
For those who have forgotten or never knew, beekeeping as an incompetent is REALLY HARD. Buckybeast was bearding like mad so panic inspection in light drizzle. Flyers everywhere but just tolerated (thank you, Pete!). No QCs in the 2BBs but no immature brood either. Sure enough, upstairs in the Demaree, laying up all that drone comb I have separated out to use in honey boxes. So now I have to find her.
Buckybeast was bearding like mad
Lots of ideas on how to find elusive queen on my thread about requeening my angry hive!
Drone queen laying in brood half of Modified Snelgrove found and squashed.
Bees being reunited to their original queen