A quick check at apiary this at 6.00am, to check all was okay, I've been at a Local Produce Market with a Honey Stall, (9am-1pm) interesting there was another local beek, with his honey from last year, very poor, it had granulated in the jar, didn't look nice in my opinion, in 1lb jars at £3.50 (cock-up with the Church, that asked me four weeks, ago, and then decided to ask another Beek from the Church, and drop me!!!) Well changed at last minute!
I had set honey (creamed) and runny honey from last year, at £5 for 12oz, with free honey tasting, and sold more, I had Hessian Gift Bags with two jars, and honey drizzlers, honey towels, and honey bunting, smoker on the table (not lit), and I wore my beekeeping jacket!
it all makes a difference marketing....and my home made written sign, that SWMBO made me! Which was outside the event!!!
I'm a Business man, not in honey, but IT, so I know how to up market, in sales and marketing and it works.... better labels, better produce...a clear winner.
Children and Adults loved the honey tasting, thanks to the forum for the straws and new and used jam jar idea! (brilliant, worked really well!).
I was surprised how well the Creamed Honey Sold, when people tasted between the two, set creamed and runny.
Lots of interested people in my bees, The Local Beek came over, and asked me how I get my honey like that, I asked him to try, and he refused at first, and I said, oh go on....
He loved it so much, I swapped it for a 1lb jar of his, and he bought 2 jars from me.
That was rather special, another Beek, purchasing honey from another Beek, makes me feel like a have a quality product!
Anyway the good news, I now have enough from todays sale, to purchase a 9 frame electric extractor!
So a good honey sale! Despite the Local Beek also selling honey!