What did you do in the Apiary today?

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So how many times have your bees swarmed this year? seems like a lot.

Why does it seem like a lot? I have had teo swarms from my 6 hives, i missed a Q cell on one of them, the other didnt follow the rules & made a late Q cell from an older larvae it seems, anyway i caught both swarms, both large swarms, no castes followed, & no lost bees, :) how many have you had?
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I had made plans today, to catch up with some digging and weeding at the allotment I thought, I was going to have a bee day off, as I've been extracting, moving heavy supers all weekend, and waiting for bees to leave supers (not a chance!).

Over the weekend, there has been huge bee activity, around my bait hives in the garden, nucs, my garage....bees everywhere, and I've been extracting inside!

and late this afternoon, I was at the apiary, removing clearer boards, I got a phone call from a neighbour, telling me my bees were swarming, I was rather amazed, because I asked them, how do you know, I'm in my apiary, and they are not swarming...and my apiary is a secret location - how do you know, they are swarming? (I actually went and look at each colony, while I was on the phone!)

He replied, no the ones in the garden, I said I don't have any bees in the garden ? I said there are only bait hives, and he said, well there a bloody big swarm in your tree, above the bait hive......

Oh!, well they are not my bees yet! I'll be there....in 5mins!

text book collection, the large swarm was hanging off a plum tree, right over the bait hive, I removed the roof, crown board, removed frames, shook off the swarm, which fell with a thud into the box. I spotted a green marked queen.

cover board on, roof on.

Same place, and 1 day later, than the last two years! (other than the last two actually went in the bait hive!), whether they would have gone in, without my interference, I'll never know.

SWMBO wants me to cut down the plum tree, as it's not produced any fruit or flowers, for years, since the old victoria plum tree fell down, and these are suckers, if that's the term, but I keep telling her, it's my lucky swarm tree!!! - I'll get round to it! e.g. no!

So, no bee day off...
Saw a fly tipped pallet in a lane a few hundred yards away from my hives, so dragged that back to both tidy up the lane and it'll provide material for a new hive stand. Double-win.
Checked two nucs today....still can't see eggs or a queen.....lots of polished cells. Added a frame of bias to both....let's see what they do! Hopefully nothing....and soon there will be eggs and new queens....or they may make queen cells. Either way....the frame of baby bees will keep them going. Plenty of stores. So the girls are finding something out there despite the cold winds.
first full day of work in weeks a big swarm in the garden i must have missed a queen cell on my last inspection caught it, hived, it how lucky am I lol.
another swarm arrived today, the last one 2 day ago. No spare brood boxes, roof or floors so I decided to unite with the two swarms over newspaper and QX. Hopefully they will select a queen for me but I have nothing to lose in this situation.

I added some crushed mint to add another scent into the mix and see what happens.

Oddly, this latest swarm were very nasty indeed! Got stung 4 times through the suit (one on the chin through the veil).

That's three swarms arrived that definitely aren't mine so someone local isn't going through their hives properly - I don't want anymore swarms coming like todays nasty bleeders.
but I have nothing to lose in this situation.

By a bit of simple reckoning, you may have. Or were you sure both swarms were casts?

Most certainly risking a nasty tempered colony, over a possibly docile one, seems like a possible own goal.
but I have nothing to lose in this situation.

By a bit of simple reckoning, you may have. Or were you sure both swarms were casts?

Most certainly risking a nasty tempered colony, over a possibly docile one, seems like a possible own goal.

I'm fairly sure both swarms put together are from the same stock, if they persist with nasty nature, I will do the obvious and re-queen or let them raise a queen from docile brood.

The only other option was to leave them hanging and I would rather have collected them than get the blame for nasty bees landing in a neighbours shed or garage.

Time will tell what the result is but tomorrow I am planning on smoking them down through the QX and bumping of the queen above (if she hasn't already bought it during the unite).

For reference though, what would you have recommended? advice always welcome (even from grumpy beeks ;))
Opened a Demaree'd colony that has been shut up for 10 days to be surrounded by a very noisy "swarm" of drones. They were really loud!! A little taste of what beekeeping would be like if bees were 50% bigger! :eek:
Grrrr.....Lost my first swarm this season :(

Had a good day yesterday! Went to prepare the parent hive (thought now to be queenless) for a move to another apiary in readiness for a unite and blow me down, there she was, still merrily laying away so must have just missed spotting her! No swarm lost after all..:) note to self - Must get her marked and clipped!

Another case of sealed queen cells and the queen still there. Seems to be a few reports here of this going on......Still a bit light on numbers for some reason but hopefully they will play catch up!

And jarred up the first 2 batches of soft set (mostly OSR) honey. Folk round here seem to love it, personally I can't wait for the summer stuff (if it ever arrives!).
Yesterday, boxed another swarm which turned up by the chicken run, watched another pass the garden and go wherever as I was doing it.
Did a stocktake and decided I'm getting a bit short of kit - Maisie's beckons in a fortnight!
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Closed down and sealed Bait Hives, relocated and moved several feet, at our offices, due to a single case of AFB in the area, very close to our offices. On advice from the National Bee Unit.

Due to the interest in the bait hives from local bees, all frames and wax will be destroyed at the end of the season (November), and hive will be removed and scorched.
Started to inspect my hives,got to hive two of four and the air started to fill with bees,hive three was swarming,quickly put 2 back together again and waited poised by the entrance with queen cage in hand.Caught the (clipped) queen as she fell to the ground and caged her,waited until all the bees had issued and clustered 25m up in a holly bush-clipping rules!
Moved the hive to new spot 5m away and removed all but 1 of the qc's .Placed new empty bb with foundation and 1 frame of brood in it's place and added the queen just as all the swarm bees were returning. All done with no bee suit on and no stings-happy days! Just wish it always went so smoothly.
Was called to a swarm yesterday, it was 30 feet up a tree. The caller said that it was not a problem as he had a cherry picker. I'm scared of heights so I really wasn't looking forward to it. Was I happy when on arrival it had moved to a shoulder high shrub in a neighbour's garden.:hurray:
Started to inspect my hives,got to hive two of four and the air started to fill with bees,hive three was swarming,quickly put 2 back together again and waited poised by the entrance with queen cage in hand.Caught the (clipped) queen as she fell to the ground and caged her,waited until all the bees had issued and clustered 25m up in a holly bush-clipping rules!
Moved the hive to new spot 5m away and removed all but 1 of the qc's .Placed new empty bb with foundation and 1 frame of brood in it's place and added the queen just as all the swarm bees were returning. All done with no bee suit on and no stings-happy days! Just wish it always went so smoothly.

Someone was in the right place at the right time. :)
Spent an hour with a roll of duck tape because bees have now found out whats in the shed... and how to get in...........

captured in flight with cordless vacumm cleaner...
Watched the bees . Nothing else . Just watched . Very very busy bees .
Oh and ordered another hive ;)
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I checked a large swarm today that i put in a paynes nuc on 7th June, this was a 14x12 using 6 frames of foundation, every bit of the combs have been drawn out, what busy little bees in only 4 days! :)
OH rang me from work to say he had a special pressie for me... Jewellery methinks! No it's a swarm that landed in the middle of the construction site. On a ball of concrete down a ditch. Rushed off to collect it. And had all the subbies taking photos. Best they don't post on yoo toob.

I'm now a 4 hive owner!
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Checked my botched AS. Spotted eggs in one half and a ginger queen (novelty for me, thus far have been dark ladies). Other half still no eggs but early days and lots of polished cells. Will be combining the colonies so one from two works well anyway!

The other colony on the same site is the only one I haven't had to swarm this year - added its 5th super :)