I was quite surprised to see the girls out today, temp was 6 degreesC at 8.45am, but there were many flying, quite a large number of dead bees outside the hive this am, (more than after MAQS in Sept), but after reading these forums, it's possible nothing to worry about, and they could just be cleaning the dead bees out, if the weather is mild, and they are flying (treated and trickled OA on Sunday - quick look at sticky inspection board, there's a large mite drop - more than 3 a day, but did not have time tio count). Earlier today a neighbour spotted at 11.00am the bees were out, a later this evening, a friend asked, if my Bees were okay, because he spotted alot out in the garden! (at 11.00am) It was bright, hot and mild (when I asked alot he said, oh about 20-30!). Nothing I suppose, I can really do until the spring.....