What did you do in the Apiary today?

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We had our first frost this morning - then this afternoon both colonies are out and about....????

Also there were drones flying from one of the hives - not being ejected, it was like they were doing orientation flights.
Keep an eye on the one with the drones in


Hmm - in what sense? What might they be preparing to do? What sort of action might I find myself needing to do?

The colony itself produced a new queen from a QC in June, and laying started in early July. They have built up slowly since then - when I last looked (end Sept) they were covering 8 frames with BIAS and stores. They had Apiguard treatment during Sept (didn't see any resulting drop) and took on board syrup (+BeeVital) via feeder. I weighed the hives while they were taking on syrup and at the end and the weight had built up to 38kg I think. The bees were quite active during Oct (lots of Ivy around here)

I'm very new at this so some elaboration would be very gratefully received.
Some hives do take drones through winter, but your queen could be turning into a drone layer.

Some hives do take drones through winter, but your queen could be turning into a drone layer.


Oh - OK thanks for that. I remember last year there were drones still around until early Dec in one of the hives so it is something I have seen before but point taken :)
-4˚ last night and wasps are STILL bothering the hives.
Isn't it time to die?

One queen wasp was bothering my husband the other night. She fell on his head whilst he was watching TV. Good job both were a bit dozy! Yes, it was time and counting two.
Today we got weather look alike Yours. But I don't want to compete who has more rain and fog, You will always win.:)
Even raining these wasps don't stop going into hives.. Put some "mouse guards" beneath hives.
Taking into account the location of winter oilseed rape fields in considering where to site a small out apiary next season, after I've obtained my bees, that is ....
Taking into account the location of winter oilseed rape fields in considering where to site a small out apiary next season, after I've obtained my bees, that is ....

Do keep in mind crop rotation which may mean this years site may be far from ideal in subsequent years.
Went to check hives still standing. They were. Cold, but one or two flying. Mice had used the children's beesuits as a toilet, so brought them home to wash.
Cold but clear here. Moved two colonies, they were not impressed. Great opportunity to use HWMBO's new "utility vehicle".
Do keep in mind crop rotation which may mean this years site may be far from ideal in subsequent years.
Found a site around which wosr rotates. Hopefully ok, but guess supply of other types of forage has a bearing. Have to wait a see whether the choice was any good!