Woo hoo finally managed to have a look at the hives without the CB

The sun has been out all day and the wind is alot lighter, plus it has moved to coming from th west which then makes my hives in a bit of a calmer spot. However I didn't do a full inspection, still a bit on the nippy side.
Lots of bees out flying from one hive, with alot of pollen being brought back in - this has always been the stronger, it was a nuc at the end of June. They have syrup and some fondant in a super above the CB which they seem to be working.There are approx 6 seams of bees, with comb on 10 frames.
The other hive (nuc in mid Sept) is alot smaller. It still has bees out flying, bringing in pollen, but the numbers are loads less than the other colony. Again they are still working the fondant from the super above the CB, but don't seem to have gone for the syrup from the rapid feeder. It looks like there might be 3ish seams of bees, with comb on 6 frames. This colony does have a dummy board in to close down the BB to 8 frames. I applied some BeeVital to this colony as there has been visible mite drop on the VB.
So - very happy to have finally got to see the state of play in the BBs, though a full inspection is still to come!