What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Do they run it any old time. I would mind doing it but don't have the time due to real exams. I'd like to do it over summer though
Usually (so I'm told) its done in early summer
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note to self

Whilst knocking up a bait box hive , make sure the swarm attractant is not left out the tin in the house !!!! :dupe:

It is not only honey bees which like it .

Now gently trying to remove a load of bumblebee queens out the house .
Do they run it any old time. I would mind doing it but don't have the time due to real exams. I'd like to do it over summer though

Ask your association.
The precise timetable is up to them ...
Gave my strongest hive two pints of 2:1 syrup as they'd taken the first two down very quickly (feeding up for a 2 queen system attempt this year). My son's cocker spaniel was a little too curious and attracted the attention of the guard bees. He got five stings and I copped for one (first of the year). No harm done in the end but we made a bit of a sight racing for the house pursued by bees. It was blowing a gale here today and I think the bees were a little upset by it.
Gave 2 pints of light syrup to 3 colonies but decided to hold off an overwintered nuke until after inspection this weekend weather permitting. I have been watching some bees from this nuke carrying what looked like small white crumbs out of the hive, some flying off with the crumbs but most just throwing them out of the entrance. However on closer inspection and a taste of the 'crumbs' (to confirm) it appears that it is granulated sugar. My thinking is that if the bees are busy trying to free up space for HM to lay I would be making matters worse by giving syrup. Any thoughts on this people?
... I have been watching some bees from this nuke carrying what looked like small white crumbs out of the hive, some flying off with the crumbs but most just throwing them out of the entrance. However on closer inspection and a taste of the 'crumbs' (to confirm) it appears that it is granulated sugar....
Any thoughts on this people?

Dried out fondant?
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Thanks Itma,

Could well be as the fondant does seem quite hard. Would you then suggest removing it and applying the syrup?
If its in the way of the feeder, remove it. Otherwise, hope the bees will use it (especially with thin syrup providing extra moisture), and tidy up what's left at the next full inspection.
Quick check to see that my hives survived the ridiculously strong winds last night....they did! Those massive rocks on the rooves seem to have done the trick. A tree blew over nearby but missed the hives.

Nothing flying. Maybe they all blew away....
Located and replaced the super, marge tub from over fondant,cover board, insulation and roof from the cedar hive. It appears 1 concrete block wasn't enough in the recent wind. Bees appear to be OK but I didn't disturb them as it's still blowing a gale.
Hive now has a ratchet strap over it and under the stand just like the poly.