What did you do in the Apiary today?

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That entrance, what is going on there ?
Ah, it’s one of my special UFE’s that I closed up to one bee space as they were under attack from wasps. I have since removed the foam to give them full access again.
Ah, it’s one of my special UFE’s that I closed up to one bee space as they were under attack from wasps. I have since removed the foam to give them full access again.
They don't like not having a quick getaway from what I have observed,
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Watched a cloud of new bees orienting in front of my nuc, housing the “surviving 500” swarm I collected on the last day of September. I am determined to give them every chance to make it through the Winter. Initially I thought they were being robbed, but a closer look gave me great encouragement. They were orienting, coming out and going in, flying beneath the box and generally acquainting themselves with the location.
They are in a Payne’s poly nuc with an eke, containing a fondant block, covered with PIR, to keep them as warm as possible.
Just randomly came across this post and found myself wondering how this colony did?
They don't like not having a quick getaway from what I have observed,
I don’t think they’re that bothered. I’ve got one hive with a tiny entrance due to wasp issues. They just look like they’re all forming an orderly queue to get in!
I don’t think they’re that bothered. I’ve got one hive with a tiny entrance due to wasp issues. They just look like they’re all forming an orderly queue to get in!
My preference is for 20mm wide entrances for most of the year. Only wider when colony is at its most numerous and when treating for varroa. With an OMF they seem happy enough. Last year no mouse guards used and they cleared all the dead bees. I'm minded to see if this works this year. Maybe my colonies have been lucky or simply great at keeping intruders at bay.
I don’t think they’re that bothered. I’ve got one hive with a tiny entrance due to wasp issues. They just look like they’re all forming an orderly queue to get in!
I don't mean just a reduced enrance but one that has to be navigated slowing their entry and exit. As for lining up in an orderly fashion, "make my day" he said, brandishing the soapy sprayer. At this time they are nothing more than sugar addicts who pose a danger or nuisance to our girls, I deal with them when trying to enter in the same way as the girls do when they are within, deadly force.
Been adding fondant to get hive weight up.
Still a few young drones on orientation flights in front of the hives. Doubt they'll be mating.
Vaped all my hives this afternoon. I think I'm getting the hang of using the (compact) InstantVap now. I'm very happy with it, but it's taken a few uses to get used to stuff like doing up my veil with the goggles and respirator on, being sure that the respirator is correctly fitted and comfortable etc. etc.

I generally don’t bother with a suit but sometimes put a veiled hat on.

This is the first year I've done it and there are still bees flying today, so I decided I'd prefer not to take chances until I've done it enough to feel confident :D A veiled hat would probably work though. I've had one or two bees ping off my veil but most have been fairly calm.

started the last round of vaping today first in the bright sunshine at the castle, then at the Gelli, they were having their first pheasant shoot of the season at Bodist and Plas Newydd farms on the opposite side of the valley and quite a few of the missed ones ended up in the covert next to the apiary, I was actually tempted to bring the Westley out of retirement for one last hurrah!

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