What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Safe travels and I'm sure you will find a way to carry on ,what about 2 nucs placed on the brood with queen excluder below .Could cut them down to super size ,or leave brood size frames if you have an extractor that can extract the frames ,or make ekes 150mm high x230 wide x460 long then all you are moving is half a box at a time you could place a crown board on the side you have moved till you put it back
Atb on your recovery .But no better medication than the bees to motivate and get you back to doing what you love .
Thank you, from Gatwick to home as well as the doctor travelling with me, I'll be in a private ambulance. I have loads of praise for the Italian health service.
Unite the nuc to the big hive?
It might come to that but it is always a worry the uniting may result in the death of the Queen and the limited new brood when exiting may find themselves in a big empty box. I made a mistake, I should have taken a chance and thrown a frame with new eggs in from one of my queens who is rock solid reliable.I thought being late in year there would be a scarcity of drones in my area at this time so unlikely to mate successfully. This will not happen again, given a chance I will produce surplus queens and nucs next year. £97 in the hole for 2 girls wandering around the hives acting like drones...................not happy and kicking myself
Thank you, from Gatwick to home as well as the doctor travelling with me, I'll be in a private ambulance. I have loads of praise for the Italian health service.
Hope you get home safely. Will be good to see you back here fighting fit.
What a “holiday”….!!!!!!!
Hope you get home safely. Will be good to see you back here fighting fit.
What a “holiday”….!!!!!!!
I'm back home now, not allowed to drive for a month, not allowed to do heavy lifting so that the fibres can knit around the wires of the ICD and no alcohol until told otherwise. I have dilated cardiomyopathy. But I'm a fighter and while in Italy I was walking 2 to 3 kilometres without the ICD kicking in. Shopping will be interesting, walking through the anti theft system by the entrance/exit are elecro magnets, bending over a car engine while it is running and some domestic appliances have electo magnets.
Stop worrying. I have lived with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy for 20 years and so far avoided ICD. Discussed with cardiologist at last review and decided to put off that decision until next year.
My brother also diagnosed with it about 10 years ago ( genetic link) and had ICD from the start. Had no bother with it and has gone off twice, saving his life
Stop worrying. I have lived with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy for 20 years and so far avoided ICD. Discussed with cardiologist at last review and decided to put off that decision until next year.
My brother also diagnosed with it about 10 years ago ( genetic link) and had ICD from the start. Had no bother with it and has gone off twice, saving his life
The Italian doctors and the British doctors are surprised I'm still alive.
Extracted 30 supers from 10 hives today. Filled 20 buckets and I’m knackered!!!!!!!!
I bet. I’ve managed 15 buckets from 18 supers and that took me three days! My excuse is I have to do housework, walk the dog and process tomatoes as well.
I’m done more or less. Just 8 on the hives still to sort.
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I bet. I’ve managed 15 buckets from 18 supers and that took me three days! My excuse is I have to do housework, walk the dog and process tomatoes as well.
I’m done more or less. Just 8 on the hives still to sort.
At least these were all in the same apiary. I’ve got another 60+ supers dotted around in another 10 apiaries.
Loaded the Garn Cottage bees into the truck (in the driveway now, to be moved to the range in the morning) and stacked up the hives stands ready for collecting over the weekend. End of an era for me, this was my first out apiary and it's served me well over the years, but now a new generation of Tiddys have different plans for the orchard and gardens so it's a good time to move them with the supers just removed and before winter storingfb.jpg begins
Neil. Do you retail your honey or sell in bulk? Or both?
Sell about 1000 340g jars from outside my house, 600 340g jars via a health food shop, 600 227g jars via another couple of shops and jar another couple of thousand 227g jars for my private/corporate clients.
Never needed to sell in bulk.
Got the year wrong but this is from last September 7th temp was how high 😳

Seems a lifetime away. I think we've only had two days this year when the temperature has got close to 25°C. Most of the time it has been hovering around the high teens or very low twenties.

Can't remember successive years so different. 2023 - unbelievable spring, anticipating record honey crop and then a summer of nothing. 2024 - spring/early summer a disaster and despair followed by an exceptional turn around with an incredible and long lasting nectar flow. Different results from around the country reflected on the forum but I think a generally good year ultimately.
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Sell about 1000 340g jars from outside my house, 600 340g jars via a health food shop, 600 227g jars via another couple of shops and jar another couple of thousand 227g jars for my private/corporate clients.
Never needed to sell in bulk.
That's very encouraging to read.
I'm my 2nd year of beekeeping, and learning how to sell my honey.
Would you mind giving a bit of background on how you established your honey sales channels?
Sell about 1000 340g jars from outside my house, 600 340g jars via a health food shop, 600 227g jars via another couple of shops and jar another couple of thousand 227g jars for my private/corporate clients.
Never needed to sell in bulk.
Wow....pretty envious. I have a few customers who buy regularly but being out in the sticks has its disadvantages. The local BKA still sells it's honey at £5 a lb !!!!!!!

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