What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Now to do some other sites and also figure out when I'll have time to actually extract the stuff....
Then you'll need something like this....or a commercial version. I had only 20 supers to extract but couldn't do them all at once. This worked brilliantly to keep the frames warm

Screenshot 2024-08-19 at 07.59.25.png
Treating with apiguard so had to remove the supers, incredible amount of honey in the brood could be because they are on double. Have weighed them and given a little feed to one will keep a close eye until the ivy flow
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I'll be flying home tomorrow from Rome with the assistance of a British doctor who will do the final checks on my fitness to fly this evening, ICD is working well, within its parameters.
Short term my beekeeping practices will have to change dramatically because I will not be able to lift heavy weights. Initially I will have to look for a supplier of half supers to fit above the brood chamber and reduce down to single brood beekeeping. Once I'm further assessed in the UK I'll be able to determine my limitations.
I'll be flying home tomorrow from Rome with the assistance of a British doctor who will do the final checks on my fitness to fly this evening, ICD is working well, within its parameters.
Short term my beekeeping practices will have to change dramatically because I will not be able to lift heavy weights. Initially I will have to look for a supplier of half supers to fit above the brood chamber and reduce down to single brood beekeeping. Once I'm further assessed in the UK I'll be able to determine my limitations.
Well the first bit is good news.


Well the first bit is good news.


Building then transportation of a Dartington will be a bit heavy for my liking. It is more to do with finding half supers for the footprint I already have. Or just building Dartington half supers. My thoughts are for ready built ones. Changing over to cyborg beekeeping 🤣
Building then transportation of a Dartington will be a bit heavy for my liking. It is more to do with finding half supers for the footprint I already have. Or just building Dartington half supers. My thoughts are for ready built ones. Changing over to cyborg beekeeping 🤣
Beehaus on wheels with towbar hitch?

Not the Omlet plastic shocker, the old Germanic design!
I’ve left a super of uncapped honey on each colony. I suspect they will be going under in a couple of weeks.
If you put them under do you need to separate them from the bb with a qx or not?
Removed supers ,apiguard on all five hives. The requeened hive still very grumpy. Huge colony!!!! husband took quite a few stings, have to check the date when we requeened as I would have thought the temperament would have been better by now. Kitchen absolutely full of frames, empty and capped, don't expect much from the supers
I had to requeen a very tetchy hive in June. They were better after about 4 weeks but I reckon it took over two months for them to be properly nice! You’ve not only got the current fizzy bees but also all the unhatched brood with potentially a similar temperament.
I had to requeen a very tetchy hive in June. They were better after about 4 weeks but I reckon it took over two months for them to be properly nice! You’ve not only got the current fizzy bees but also all the unhatched brood with potentially a similar temperament.
One year I had bees that covered me head to toe. I removed the hive in the evening to a spot away from the hives and shook all the bees out after killing the queen. They had to beg their way into the other hives and the brood frames were taken to another apiary and placed in a few hives. The following week all was calm.
I'll be flying home tomorrow from Rome with the assistance of a British doctor who will do the final checks on my fitness to fly this evening, ICD is working well, within its parameters.
Short term my beekeeping practices will have to change dramatically because I will not be able to lift heavy weights. Initially I will have to look for a supplier of half supers to fit above the brood chamber and reduce down to single brood beekeeping. Once I'm further assessed in the UK I'll be able to determine my limitations.
One of a local group was suffering similar restrictions on lifting. I believe Thornes do half supers for nationals.
Saying nowt cause we have nowt, seems to be a real North south divide in regards honey and supers. It has been a dreadful year. the girls have worked long hours when given chance with the colonies strong and healthy. My strongest hive lost it's queen a couple of weeks back and with so little time left to chance natural re queening I bought 2 queens in. One I placed in a nuc the other in the established hive, both hives were accepting of their new queens. The Nuc has a small amount of eggs. The established hive new queen was after 3 weeks in found on a frame of Drone cells, complete with some capped drone brood and cells with more than one egg. There are no other eggs on worker brood frames. I went for certainty, I had thought, now it looks like I lose a valuable colony. Very frustrating. Any ideas for recovering the situation as the girls at best have 3 weeks life left in them.
I had to requeen a very tetchy hive in June. They were better after about 4 weeks but I reckon it took over two months for them to be properly nice! You’ve not only got the current fizzy bees but also all the unhatched brood with potentially a similar temperament.
You're right I'm going to look back at the notes to see when we requeened.
I'll be flying home tomorrow from Rome with the assistance of a British doctor who will do the final checks on my fitness to fly this evening, ICD is working well, within its parameters.
Short term my beekeeping practices will have to change dramatically because I will not be able to lift heavy weights. Initially I will have to look for a supplier of half supers to fit above the brood chamber and reduce down to single brood beekeeping. Once I'm further assessed in the UK I'll be able to determine my limitations.
Safe travels and I'm sure you will find a way to carry on ,what about 2 nucs placed on the brood with queen excluder below .Could cut them down to super size ,or leave brood size frames if you have an extractor that can extract the frames ,or make ekes 150mm high x230 wide x460 long then all you are moving is half a box at a time you could place a crown board on the side you have moved till you put it back
Atb on your recovery .But no better medication than the bees to motivate and get you back to doing what you love .
Can't believe we have had 250 227g jars of honey all told.. did not expect that this year.
It's amazing what the bees can bring in
I was feeding in May
By the end of June there was nothing in the supers I had to put on for room
Six hives have given me 450lb which in the grand scheme of things is not a lot per hive but I thought I'd get nothing

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