Queen marking dots

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House Bee
Jan 3, 2012
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Does anyone use the coloured/numbered marking dots to ID their Queens as a alternative to marker pens?

If so what adhesive do you find best and in comparison with the markers, how do you find them?

Would like to know.
Yes, the glue sold with the kits is a little hit and miss, I agree it's a bit of a faff but they do make queen finding a much easier task.
Yes, the glue sold with the kits is a little hit and miss, I agree it's a bit of a faff but they do make queen finding a much easier task.
Where can you get spare adhesive?
I do but it's a lot of hassle so only worth it if lots of work went into producing them, Superglue Gel 🐝
I take it the colony hasn't rejected the Queen due to the possible odour from the Superglue?
Does anyone use the coloured/numbered marking dots to ID their Queens as a alternative to marker pens?
No, I don't use the stickers.

With just a small number of hives I use one colour (yellow) Pasco markers.

I can keep track of the age of the Q in my notes.
No, I don't use the stickers.

With just a small number of hives I use one colour (yellow) Pasco markers.

I can keep track of the age of the Q in my notes.
No, I don't use the stickers.

With just a small number of hives I use one colour (yellow) Pasco markers.

I can keep track of the age of the Q in my notes.
Finger dyslexia "POSCA"
I don't use the glue on dots these days but when I did a few years ago I found the workers tended with time to nibble them off . So I switched to gluing them on with Humbrol paint. So if they nibbled them off I could still find the "marked" queen as they didn't remove the paint spot underneath.
They are called Opalith Discs.
Use fish glue, non toxic and very strong. Violin makers use it.

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