I've had one of those days that makes me feel like not a very good beekeeper
A swarm arrived in my home bait hive this lunchtime. I suspect it's from one of my own hives. I guess that's both positive and negative in that it hasn't escaped into the wild, but it shouldn't really have happened in the first place. I can perhaps blame the weather making regular inspections awkward, but that's more an excuse than a reason.
Inspecting my home hives this afternoon I found one that was doing an emergency requeen, I assume down to my cack-handedness somewhere along the line. I doubt that's the one that's
swarmed though. Another has BIAS and a sealed queen cell and I suspect that's the source. I couldn't find the queen, but that's hardly news. The other "problem hive" at home, with wild comb
drawn amongst boxes of empty frames are showing no interest in moving up into the box of
foundation that I gave them.
A hive at an out-apiary that I'm setting up went into winter very strong, but came out the other side looking very weak for reasons I can't determine. Whilst the colony is currently very small, there is BIAS and I FOUND THE QUEEN!!! Not only that, I even managed to mark her! I had to use a "crown of thorns", but at this point I just don't care. She seemed to wander back off into the hive quite happily once the paint dried so I'm hoping I can call that a success.
I did a demaree on three hives a few weeks back and last time I visited I split off a nuc with a queen cell. That appears to have emerged now and the QC was half torn down. The hive it had come from was a disaster

Lots of very pissed-off bees, a couple of queen cells in the top box, but no eggs anywhere, top nor bottom. Clearly I missed some queen cells in the top last time and the original queen has gone AWOL. I've removed the demaree and put the two brood boxes back together under the supers in the hope they can sort it out.
The second one had eggs in the top box and wasn't in a great mood either. There's been no time to raise and mate a new queen, so I assume the old one somehow ended up in the top box though I've no idea how. By this time I had bees going mental trying to sting a marker pen with a black lid that was in the breast pocket of my bee suit and I was probably honking of bad pheromones, so I decided to put a super on top of the upper box, but otherwise delay the decision on what to do with them and leave the third hive for another time once my suit has been washed.
Finally I visited the colony in the tree branch. They're also showing no interest in moving up, which is quite disappointing. I was really hoping that with loads of OSR nearby they'd be desperate for more space by now.