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Very well put Polyanwood, i enjoyed reading your post which makes a lot of sense and is basically what i was thinking in response to the original.

If we could take all the best practices for the bees from Evidence based and natural beekeeping i for one would be happier, and i expect my bees would to.

I like the natural ideal, but with so many things out to get the honeybee at the moment im afraid hands on management and assistance wins and should be followed for healthy bees.
How do you go about getting shot of the bees from a frame of larvae for graffting ?
I use a goose wing and brush them off gently - cant think of another way to quickly clear the frame of bees without disslodging the larvae

Newbee silly question ............... what's grafting?
Why not go one step further and not keep bees at all? I'm sure most bee keepers try their best to work with the bees but lets not kid ourselves, it is in our interest. We steal their harvest because our ancestors learnt to do it amongst other hunter gathering skills to feed ourselves and further mankind.

I understand and appreciate we need to care for our bees but there is such a thing as being unrealistic and going way over the top. I don't concider myself as one of the 'too scared to fart' brigade.
There is a lot of replies to the original post 'accusing' BBB of being a TBH zealot, a person who allows swarms to disappear over the fence, eschew the use of deodorant and generally being a nuisance to bees and beekeepers. Enough is enough. He is entitled to his opinions (this is a forum for ideas and opinions, is it not?) and to attempt in some way to get beekeepers to think of the consequences before acting, is IMHO, not a reason to vilify him.
There is a lot of replies to the original post 'accusing' BBB of being a TBH zealot, a person who allows swarms to disappear over the fence, eschew the use of deodorant and generally being a nuisance to bees and beekeepers. Enough is enough. He is entitled to his opinions (this is a forum for ideas and opinions, is it not?) and to attempt in some way to get beekeepers to think of the consequences before acting, is IMHO, not a reason to vilify him.
I think Rosti gave a measured ,reasonable answer to an obviously provocative question!;)

I am pleased with the restraint shown by all in answering the said question :angelsad2:

John W.
Evening all - glad to see my strange thread has got people talking. Easy Beasy you sound just like my reason for breathing and not a milion miles from the truth.

Looking at my thread in the cold light of day/night I can see where all the confusion may have come from.

Evidence based beekeeping is how I roll and as 'unnatural' a beekeeper you will have trouble finding. I purchased a TBH last year and plan to have ago at it this season, I will try almost anything twice.


I also sufferd a swarm once many years ago - my own stupid fault, Caught it and re-housed before the neighbours noticed.
BBB hive type says national, maybee just a bit layed back.
I found this thread just a bit confusing but then I am pretty simple.

Enough is enough. He is entitled to his opinions (this is a forum for ideas and opinions, is it not?) and to attempt in some way to get beekeepers to think of the consequences before acting, is IMHO, not a reason to vilify him.

EB, not sure if this is aimed at my post? If it is then I don't regard your comments as justified. Of course people have a right to hold and express views ..... and on a forum such as this then others are allowed to put forward counter arguments or views. I think that is all I did. Further I think I did so with more supported factual content and less vitriole than the original post. The original posts' tone was clear in representing the list actions as bad/poor practice, you'll gather I dont agree in some instances that they are 'bad' and others are avoidable poor practice that should be avoided in any 'form' of beekeeping.

I've used the comparison between beekeeping and beewatching previously, I regard it as a legitamate contrast. R


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