Well, here's another fine mess you've gotten me into...

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Sounds like one holy mess that looks as though it will take off and the gargoyles on the cathedrals will be pleased and the cathedral shop can look forward to some very expensive honey to help with the running costs of the buildings.
On the garden note - I was nearly put off by the very disapproving faces when I told everyone I was going to keep my bees in my garden. Three years down the line the neighbours are still interested, even though one side has been stung a few times, but I reassure him with the scientific evidence that beestings stimulate the brain so hopefully he won't go ga ga! (and of course the odd jar of golden joy) Talking of joy, there are endless possibilities for your holy honey labels 'heavenly gold' spritual bliss' do I need to go on?
The queen of heaven is saved!*

* Not to be confused with, "The Queen of Heaven is Saved!" - which, of course, she is.

Fans of the Manchester Cathedral Apiary (well, our single hive), and followers of the ramblings of the Canon Apiarist, will wonder why your obedient servant has been rather quiet, this last week.

The fact is, I have been undergoing a period of humble reflection and some embarrassment. But as confession is good for a laugh - sorry, "good for the soul" - I thought the congregation might benefit from the following experience:

My home hives have 14 x 12 brood boxes. I was persuaded by my highly respected mentor, to go with the standard brood box and brood-and-a-half at the cathedral.

So I was inspecting the hive last weekend. The super was pretty full of nearly capped stores - a delight to behold! What was more frustrating was that the queen was wandering around on the super frames as I inspected them. (No QE, of course.)

I didn't want to risk moving the super onto a spare crown board, with the queen in it - but I did want to examine the brood box below. So, I replaced the frame she was on down near the bottom, in the super. I decided I could persuade HM downstairs by gently guiding her with my hive tool.

At the first feel of the curved end of the hive tool, the little b*gger took to the skies and disappeared in the direction of the cathedral tower - and out of sight!

"Oh, dearie me!" I exclaimed! "That's somewhat disconcerting!"

What to do? Well, I don't know what you would do. I shut up shop pretty smartish, sat around for 10 minutes to see if she would return - then crept quietly away.....

........ and never told a soul! But I know I can rely on your discretion, not to tell anyone. I don't want to look a fool!

Anyhow, I inspected again today and, Praise Be! Guess what?
There she was, happy as Larry on the frames. Eggs and new larvae. All well.

Of course it is! Don't know why I spent the week panicking.
Talk about getting by on a wing and a prayer!

Anyhow, next season will see an eke added to that brood box, and a transition to a 14 x 12 configuration. And the next 3 hives will be the same. Yet another reason to avoid brood-and-a-half.

And avoid double brood, too :D
Far too much faff for me...