Landowner not giving me access to my out-apiary

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. . . arm yourself with an umbrella to deter the dogs, when you open and close the umbrella they see something bigger than them and get afraid. Think Indiana Jones and the last crusade. The other thing is take dog biscuits, . . . . to passify them
No . . . just no.
You'll sometimes see this flag here. It's a's becoming misused these days.
Not heard of this before.
he died

He died in Palestine
Oh no! Not this again.

Had I been advising you in a legal capacity I would have asked how the hives are accessed. If they can be reached without causing damage, say by climbing over a gate, I would have suggested writing to the landowner asking for access to retrieve your property at a set time. If he did not come then to let you in, go get them. If you've not caused any damage no solicitor would suggest to him that he should take action for trespass in such circumstances.

If you would need to cause damage you open yourself up to prosecution for criminal damage, and your only legal route would be to litigate.

So I could not possibly advise that you cause damage, even if it is only to an easily replaceable padlock.

In such a case if I were a private individual so affected, I would write the letter seeking access and if he doesn't appear I would cut that padlock and get my hives, dropping off a padlock of similar quality at his home on my way to my new apiary. Although I would have caused criminal damage, given the letter and the replacement padlock it is unlikely the police would be interested.

But of course, I would never advise you to commit a criminal act like that.
I would be reluctant to cut the padlock as unbeknown to others there may be a group holding copies of keys and replacement key costs can mount up rapidly. I know this as we had a multi key lock on our village hall car park and following a bonfire night some idiot saw the pile of ash (in the middle of a saturated field zero chance of spreading) was smoking and called the fire brigade who cut the padlock so we had to buy 7 copies of keys for the new lock. If it's a padlock and chain, cutting the chain in a link next to the padlock might be more appropriate.
which is in Palestine
The history of Palestine is long and complicated ... you are technically right that the area that has been called Israel since 1948, after the UN decided that Palestine should be split into two states - encompassing Arab and Jewish populations, was originally part of the greater area known as Palestine. The Jews agreed to the separation, the Arabs did not - Britain (who had controlled Palestine - and were being attacked by both Arabs and Jews) decided the problem could not be solved and withdrew, leaving the two sides to fight it out, as they have done, at various times, ever since.

The main issue is that both Arabs and Jews are historic populations in the area originally called Palestine. Turkey - the Ottoman Empire - had controlled and ruled Palestine until the end of the first world war. The Balfour declaration in 1917 proposed a Jewish homeland in Palestine and following the demise of Turkish rule, the League of Nations gave Britain the mandate to implement the Balfour declaration and effectively split Palestine. We failed miserably - the Jewish minority in the region massively increased as a result of Jewish persecution in Europe - and subsequently as a result of the Nazi Holocaust and by 1948 Israel declared themselves an independent state, supported by the UN and backed by the USA became they became the controllng force in the region. Arabs were effectively displaced from Israeli controlled areas with, quite naturally, discontent at being removed from what was their historic home.

The problem is unlikely ever to be solved - surrounded by Arab States who consider that Israel has no right to exist in Palestine (and the likes of Hamas and Hezbullah who are committed to the total destruction of Israel) and Israel, who are not going anywhere, the situation is almost impossible to resolve. The two state solution (as proposed in 1917) has been hoped for in excess of 100 years is as far away as it has ever been ... the actions of Israel, Hamas and Hezbullah are deplorable in terms of any reasonable humanity - they are all backed by powerful states with diametrically opposed ideology and objectives ... I cannot see an end to the situation that is going to be acceptable to anyone in the region - all we can hope for is that the moderates, within all factions, come to power and some sort of compromise is found.

I am certain that anyone with any compassion would wish for a peaceful and immediate cessation of what is happening in the region at present.
Did you agree a withdrawal period? Best to agree at least a month, but three months ideal.
Ok. False alarm - thank goodness!
The husband has poor communication skills.

They just want me to water plants while they're away - phew!
Don't know why he couldn't have just told me that.

In fact they told me not to be silly, when I said I was worried they wanted me to remove my bees.
They're a lovely couple.

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