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hedgerow pete

Queen Bee
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
UK, Birmingham, Sandwell. Pork scratching Bandit c
Hive Type
well after the brutal snow of at least an inch in birmingham for a few weeks i am loving this softer weather at the moment but what do people think about what is next

the month long bbc forecast says its going to be normaly cold but i reckon that february is in like a lamb and out like a lion this year, and most of march will be defrosting the bees again.

does anyone here do long range weather forcasting at home and if so whats the general opinion of whats next
This is England

My hives are on an island at the mo as I have a 40' lake developed in my garden and they are just higher than it.

Can I hear Noah hammering in the distance!!

But they have plenty to drink when they do a go around flight, so systems flushed. Not all bad.
"I have a 40' lake developed in my garden and they are just higher than it."

those 40+' tall hive stands must be difficult to work with.


January brings the snow,
Makes your feet and fingers glow.

February's ice and sleet,
Freeze the toes right off your feet.

Welcome, March, with wint'ry wind,
Would thou weren't not so unkind.

April brings the sweet spring showers,
On and on for hours and hours.

Farmers fear unkindly May,
Frost by night and hail by day.

June just rains and never stops,
Thirty days and spoils the crops.

In July the sun is hot,
Is it shining?
No it's not!

August, cold and dank and wet,
Brings more rain than any yet.

Bleak September's mist and mud,
Is enough to chill the blood.

Then October adds a gale,
Wind and slush and rain and hail.

Dark November brings the fog,
Should not do it to a dog.

Freezing wet December, then...
Bloody January again!

Ben P (courtesy of Flanders and Swann)
well after the brutal snow of at least an inch in birmingham for a few weeks i am loving this softer weather at the moment but what do people think about what is next

the month long bbc forecast says its going to be normaly cold but i reckon that february is in like a lamb and out like a lion this year, and most of march will be defrosting the bees again.

does anyone here do long range weather forcasting at home and if so whats the general opinion of whats next

a non met office forecaster who predicted the cold spell 6mths ago and is saying: as below, but on the main forecast he is running wamer than he predicts this week, but he only shows trends not a full forecast

Contrasts but overall exceptionally cold and snowy
especially in North/East and Central parts
Ireland & South-West/South Britain less cold/milder.

Likely to be about as cold as 1963 in some North East and perhaps Central parts with record breaking low temperatures at times later in the month. Central England average temperatures are likely to be about 1°C

• Cold snowy start with blizzards/snow & low temperatures.
• A less cold/milder spell early in month with thaw floods in places. The milder air and thaw will probably not include Scotland and much of North/East England.
• Then generally cold from mid month with widespread waves of extreme cold, blizzards, All parts of Britain and most of Ireland will be severely hit by snow and ice at some time in this period
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It started snowing here at the end of November and only stopped for two days mid December warm enough to thaw then it started again same type of thaw beginning of Jan a few snowy days since but really hard frosts. Similar to last year but because we have had three or four years before that of really mild winters I think we have forgotten what an English winter can actually be like
Regards Andrew
I must admit i do exspect the weather to go cold again as is it we are only half way through the winter.

to be honest i can see us having another late start to the beek season like last year so i think i will forget about queen rearing till april before i start the brood build up ,

in 2007 and 2008 i was starting the brood build up in february ready to produce queens in early april but this year i will go for a late brood instead, may i will not do two sets of quuens but one larger set for june,

does any one else have plans on hold or are you all going for it ?
Sticking my neck out a bit, our forecasting is not skilled but we are improving. I believe from historical events that the winter will go back to being cold. The weather patterns remain similar to colder winters from before… so the overall view, I believe, is around 6 ‘C colder than last year on average for end January to end February. Then added into that is intermittent SW weather flows so intermittent warm or very warm spells with lots of rain. March will be a sudden warm up with storms but longer dry spells, April wet at times but also having dry patches, May and June warm and quite sunny then I don’t know at all I hope for a decent summer through till October… ah well
However if Piers Corbin is right and the sun does have more of an effect on our weather than just a big warm object then as solar activity increases so the weather could be more interesting… I am expecting more thunder storms (up from our current “3” a year to more like 10 or just more – apologies to those who think they have had loads, to me there seem to be much fewer and weaker than 5-10 years ago) Piers has a good record of long range forecasting and is able to produce good trend figures would the forum be willing to buy a forecast from him for our use?. He was willing to do something a while ago for around £200 I would be happy to negotiate again, he seems willing to help from my previous emails to him but… I couldn’t afford him at the time so haven’t bought his stuff yet…if I ever can I will.
As to bee plans, to build up and try to plan 3 weeks ahead... and try to get to at least 9 colonies but ideally 12 by buying and breeding (half of each)
I just finished talking on the phone with a friend from Winnipeg.....

She said that since early this morning the snow has been nearly waist high and
is still falling.

The temperature is dropping below zero and the north wind is increasing.

Her husband has done nothing but look through the kitchen window all day.

She says that if it gets much worse, she may have to let him in....

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