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When was the last time when it was recommended by vets?

No idea...why would it be recommended by a vet?,i have never had anything recommended by a vet for varroa treatment yet,many don't even know what a honey bee is, let alone how to treat varroa mites.
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And the other research recorded 91% efficiency over four year test on 1,500 efficiency is somwhere between the two,worth testing again.
It seems to be 20 years old thing.

It took to UK and Canada 10 years to accept EU varroa group recommendations OA, formic acid and thymol.
USA has not accepted them yet.

I think that break out of coppers salts have happened but to wrong direction.
It seems to be 20 years old thing.

It took to UK and Canada 10 years to accept EU varroa group recommendations OA, formic acid and thymol.
USA has not accepted them yet.

I think that break out of coppers salts have happened but to wrong direction.

Different red tape to get past in each country i the MAQS, we have to wait a few years to be able to use them. Nothing wrong with some old methods,thymol has been in use for beekeeping for over sixty years,and many things used in ancient times as human treatment/medicine are coming back into use,like leeches,maggots,honey.
Have you fed copper gluconate/sulphate for varroa control on your bees?.

No, only just heard of it but it sounds interesting. I was just making the point that apparently similar chemicals cannot be assumed to have similar effects.
Copper sulphate in high concentrations kills most insects...Not something I personally would use..
Has anyone fed their bees copper gluconate in syrup, to increase bee vitality and help kill varroa mites.

I found that Aloe vera is another "miracle" drug against varroa. Or at least the Greeks say so.
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When I look at multivitamin pill jar, it has

But not copper

What manufacturer did you get the pills from,do you need to take many multi vitimin pills,and are you suffering from copper deficiency anyway?
What manufacturer did you get the pills from,do you need to take many multi vitimin pills,and are you suffering from copper deficiency anyway?

Valmistaja/ tillverkare
Ferrosan A/S

I put these same to pollen patty..

About Ferrosan
Our focus is to aid children and adults in their pursuit of good health and optimal physical and intellectual capabilities. We strive to provide well-documented quality products and services that help people to benefit from a healthy lifestyle

Is that nice!!!

Most multivitamin tablets, if not all, contain trace elements as well as vitamins. The idea being, I guess, that someone deficient in vitamins due to diet is likely to low on things like zinc etc.
Not a clue what 'J' stands for but copper is toxic in not-so large-quantities. So while it may be needed in trace quantities in our body, I doubt any of the pill pushers would want someone showing copper poisioning symptoms, after taking too many pills containing copper. It is also cumulative.
Here is a list of copper overdose symptons.
If you feel most of them, game is over.

symptoms listed below:

•Epigastric pain
•Liver toxicity
•Low blood pressure
•Blood in urine
•Urination pain
•Lower back pain
•Metallic taste
•more information...»
From what i can see one 2mg tablet per day seems about the right dose,but i doubt a bit more would do any great harm.

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