Field Bee
Is it normal for solid crystals to start forming in the emulsified recipe a few hours after making it?
Is it normal for solid crystals to start forming in the emulsified recipe a few hours after making it?
I have never seen them
What did you emulsify with?
Soy lecithin, looks perfect and milky when I make it but a few hours later it always starts to form crystals and separate back out
Warm it soon dissolves back into liquid.mine always separates when not used for a while
It's not Eric's recipe it's Hivemakers. 30g is correct - it's the quantity I've been using the last few years. (it doesn't require the use of matchsticks either!)
Warm it soon dissolves back into liquid.mine always separates when not used for a while
...30g in 150 mls isopropyl alcohol ... with a teaspoon of lecithin granules to emulsify the thymol...
...Just add 1 ml to each litre of syrup (any strength). I leave containers of thymolated 50% Sugar solution in out apiaries all summer ...
When we are talking about Isopropyl Alcohol, is this what we are talking about, or are we supposed to be using err Food Grade, mmm which I don't think would be advised or sold under the heading of Edible...?
1ml, you would measure that out with a Dropper, one droplet equals one mil?
Also if you are leaving Syrup out for the bees all summer doesn't that mean that your honey will have some sugar syrup in it?
10gms in 50ml of Isopropanol makes me a 1000X concentrated stock. Just add 1 ml to each litre of syrup (any strength).
you've not found any issues with taste or tainting of the honey?
NB: There is a PS at the end of the recipe stating that the author has used twice as much (same as you) "with no ill effects on the bee's at all", but your using it more longer term, so I'm just wondering... ALSO have you noticed any ill effects on the Varroa mites?
It has no lecithin, is simpler to make and does not grow mould or bacteria despite being left at air temperature for considerable time years in some cases.