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only bit of the country with NO SNOW!!

Yes but the snow elsewhere is the problem!!

All north London supply routes are through south London!?

Just 'part' made up another 100 brood frames - need nailing, but the nail gun nails went awol for a while. Stored in all sorts of boxes - 9 in each spare polynuc, some in the spare 14 x 12 boxes, some in old standard brood and a super, and some in pairs of supers. The beehaus is full!

At least I will only need a couple boxes for the 100 super frames as they store 18 to a box (the rest into beehaus and Dartington honey boxes). The next problem will be to make up new boxes and some extra roofs for all this lot.

I was determined to have frames made up, before need, for next season. With time on my hands, I can just work slowly through them.
Seems UPS have lost my order, they dont seem to be sure where it is! Guess it will show up......eventually!


It should turn up, UPS run a pretty tight ship regarding tracking, It's unlikely to have been stolen, it's usually only the Apple stuff that goes missing.

The most likely reason is a mis-direct (its been sent to the wrong depot) or the tracking label has got lost/damaged and it will be returned to Thornes.
only bit of the country with NO SNOW!!

Yes but the snow elsewhere is the problem!!

All north London supply routes are through south London!?


appreciate it snowed and caused problems last week but a delivery route via south london, would be an 80 mile detour and a toll on the dartford crossing

The delivery point is between the M1/ A1M/M25 junctions and i drove on Saturday to near lincoln within 30miles of wragby on cleared roads, no problem and then on Monday to Bristol, again all clear

so the hold up is either in the wragby area or maybe backlog
Could potentially be held up awaiting an item being ready MM?

It would be good to get an email briefly advising the inability and any fast workarounds.

I chased an order a while back and the reason was that 14x12 frames were out of stock, with a two week lead time. I was offered seconds at the appropriate price, accepted and got the package next day. If I could have found seconds in the catalogue, I would have ordered them as preference anyway. :)
Delivery companies all work together.

You arrange with one company to collect from your factory or home and another company will finish up delivering it...

Distribution depots all over the place....

I used to deal with stuff that had to have customs clearance.....
Collect stuff from Heathrow, bring it to Norwich, get it cleared by customs and take it back Heathrow,,, it was then collected by different people and delivered all over the country. It was quicker to do that than waiting for Heathrow customs to clear it.
TNT used to (probably still do) operate with franchised drivers. The van that delivers to your house only operates locally.
It should turn up, UPS run a pretty tight ship regarding tracking, It's unlikely to have been stolen, it's usually only the Apple stuff that goes missing.

The most likely reason is a mis-direct (its been sent to the wrong depot) or the tracking label has got lost/damaged and it will be returned to Th**nes.

UPS have found it. Seems that its still in the back of a lorry at Tamworth waiting to be driven to Dartford. Been there since the 2nd, seems they have a bit of a backlog because of the weather. They think its stuck there untill next week :(
Ordered 29th Nov, Money taken from cc only 2 days ago.
Not worried as I am in no rush :)
so the hold up is either in the wragby area or maybe backlog

Weather hasn't been good near Wragby/Rand, but I'd suspect the distribution firms struggling with a large backlog in areas.

Hey - we've got all winter to play with this stuff anyway, if it all came at once what would we do in Feburary!

I was being a bit flippant there, but the rule of 'traffic problems elsewhere' seems to apply and yours might have been on the same lorry as the Windsor Th*rne delivery.

Regards, RAB
Not true. Mine was deducted last Friday and when I rang yesterday chasing it, it hadnot yet been despatched. Still waiting and have my fingers crossed for tomorrow.

they did that last year as well. When I worked for a major dot com, I was told that it was against trading standard rules to take money before the item is on the coriour.... not sure if it is true or whether the rules have changed.
no business is going to last if it only tries charging customers cards after despatch of goods.

I don't expect they will be doing this for any new customers and I dare say there is a way to check availability of funds, if they really wanted to.

As a regular customer for the last ten years, and only had trouble with payment once, when it was the fault in the banking system, I would doubt they regard me as a potential bank-breaking customer.

Further there is enough left in their mark-ups to allow for the odd difficulty and as they are technically the employer of the delivery company, they could cancel a delivery if really needed?

There is a subtle difference between mega-account holders and some of us 'small fry'.

Regards, RAB
no business is going to last if it only tries charging customers cards after despatch of goods.

The wording on email confirmation says.

Please note payment will be not be deducted from your credit or debit card until the order is ready for despatch.
Hey - we've got all winter to play with this stuff anyway, if it all came at once what would we do in Feburary!

Sit and look at it..... :Angel_anim:

and imagine all the bees and honey on the frames....

dress up in your veil and slap yourself with your leather gloves,,,,:hurray:
I am certainly NOT saying Thornes are untrustworthy, but it is always good practice checking bank statements on a regular basis.

I have been had 3 fraudulant events in the last few years.

Paid for some parts online at CPC (large parts company). I used the phone to order and was the first time I had used this particular card in 5-6 months and within a week over 4k had been spent using the card. I am sure the bank and police had little trouble tracking the person.

Paid for an Indian takaway with a debit card. From this point, I had two-three other payments to Indian takeaways in the area a week until I spotted it in my statement. The culprit was easy. I was in the North on business for a day and stopped off on the way home. The only genuine payment in the area.

One that I did not have time to spot was taken from fuel payment by debit card in a garage in Dorset. From then my card was paying for small items online and Chinese takeways etc. Started at about £8, then £15, then a few around £20 and then £50 and finally a £400 TV.
I got a phone call from the bank saying they believe there maybe someone abroard taking money from my account and wanted to ask me if it was legitimate. It was... I was in Holland when I got the phone call and all of the Dorset activity was fraudulant! If I was in the UK, I am sure the account would have continued draining...

be watchful, especially at this time of year!
Yes Pete, you are right to be vigilant. Even the supermarkets easily overcharge when busy and a big shop (full trolley).

Not at a busy time, but twice in three visits to one cheap supermarket (and two different operatives) I was overcharged by relatively small amounts. They all add up. They are likely very careful with me now as they I know I stand just away from the till and check my item list. And I loudly recount the previous overcharges, to all the queuing customers if there is a definite discrepancy.

I always check Access and debits. Once stopped a payment for fuel for a station at Ware in Hertfordshire, but later found it was for fuel at Horsham (Sussex) trading as a different addy.

There was a £6 difference (on only £120) at Morrisons one busy Christmas shop. My wife rarely checks but is getting better as she sees the mistakes adding up.

She was one of the very many who put their steering on right lock while waiting to turn right. Stopped her doing that only a short while before we were shoved down the road by, we think, someone using their mobile phone while driving. Luckily(?) we weren't propelled into the oncoming traffic, bad as it was!

Regards, RAB

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