Some time ago and on another thread you asked me to provide scientifically published works to support my stance on CO2 emissions and green house gases.
If you are genuinely interested this bears out everything that I've posted regarding climate change for the past four years:
Unfortunately Nikolov has a bit of a track record:
"Nikolov and his colleague Karl Zeller, who used to work together at the forest service,
were the subject of controversy when they were caught trying to published a paper
under pseudonyms Den Volokin and Lark ReLlez multiple times from 2014 to 2016."
Springerplus published, but later retracted the paper.
Apart from the ethics of using false names, it is a bit of a blow to their credibility.
More recently, they have used pay to publish, non-peer reviewed publications to try and gain attention.
Although some academics have mentioned their publications, their theories have not gained any sort of
widespread acceptance or attention. Which is sort of the nub of the matter, don't you think?
I don't understand the science here, but I find it implausible that a couple of guys come up with an theory
in an area which is not their field, and the validity of which is contested, are going to be correct. Especially
when a lot people who know a lot about it disagree. The bulldozer of scientific method would not let that
happen. And if conventional wisdom about CO2 is a conspiracy (incredibily unlikely) - I think the integrity of
most scientists would force them to speak out.
So I am going to play the probability card here, and say that I don't think it is worth investing any time listening
to them...
There are two quotes from the New Zealand Government, which I think are apposite:
"Scientific evidence of climate change is unequivocal and the New Zealand Government is approaching
climate change using a scientific lens. "
"The science of climate change is clearly explained in a number of peer-reviewed, publicly available
papers, following the traditional and trusted scientific method. Hundreds of scientists and researchers
from around the globe participate in the IPCC working groups, reviewing thousands of these papers.
This is summarised in the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, which provides a comprehensive summary
of the state of scientific, technical, and socio-economic knowledge on climate change, its impacts and
future risks, and options for adaptation and mitigation."
In spite of the NZG having decimated its scientific establishment of the last 35 years, I trust its scientists
ability and integrity.