We really need to get away from the fallacy that CO2 released from burning fossil fuels is in any way a cause of climate changes because it absolutely is not. We need to tackle the real causes of climate change, i.e. injudicious exploitation of watersources and changes in land use.Never thought about that side of produce from a cow! Thanks Karol.
The OCD carbon lot have a lot to answer for, just like not allowing peat to be dug and used for seed growing compost. You're not releasing carbon in the air, you're just moving the carbon rich substance from there to yours! And kiln drying wood does not stop it releasing carbon out of the chimney, but that's okay 'cos you can plant a twig to replace that 300 year old tree you've killed.
By the way I burn timber and drive a Derv motor.
Burning peat would actually help save the planet. How?
Here's the logic. Where did all the peat originally come from? Answer. Atmospheric CO2. Ergo historical CO2 levels must have been vastly higher than now. So why is there no evidence of a climate disaster prior to peat being formed? Answer. Because higher CO2 levels resulted in higher levels of vegetation and vegetation contributes directly to cooling through moisture retention, transpiration, evaporative cooling and shade.