Tax Dodging Bastard

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Queen Bee
Mar 4, 2009
Reaction score
Gorleston-on-sea, Norfolk
Hive Type
Number of Hives
3 Commercial hives with National supers, Top Bee Space. + 2 Nucs
Dear friends,

Have a look at this:

I've just signed a petition asking George Osborne to pay his fair share of taxes. It turns out he's using "legal" loopholes to get out of paying £1.6million in tax. He says "we're all in this together" so if we are, shouldn't he be paying his fair share of tax?

The more of us take part, the stronger the message will be - click here to sign the petition:

Anything he does is minute compared to Mr A Blair multi millionaire at our expense...
Been a lot on talk on the news lately about the governments new measures to tackle tax avoidence,hope this guy is there first target..
Some "politicians" have all the integrity and grace of the average estate agent........
thieving bastards!
What might happen if we were to default on the payments, do you think . . .?

Just a thought. :)
Anything he does is minute compared to Mr A Blair multi millionaire at our expense...

Given he has a large independent income, I think it unlikely. However, Blair has done a lot of nothing especially as special envoy in the middle east...
It's not just George Osborne half the big businesses in the UK seem to be doing exactly the same.

The governments own efficiency tsar Philip Green built himself an empire which now owns companies such as Topshop, Topman, Burtons, Miss Selfridge and British Home Stores. In 2005 he awarded himself a nice little bonus of £1.2 Billion.

You would think he paid a sizeable chunk of tax on that wouldn't you but no, by the time it's filtered through offshore accounts to his wife in Monaco he manages to avoid paying £300 million in Tax to the UK.

Yet he is the man telling the government where the UK can make savings!
Philip Green built himself an empire which now owns companies such as Topshop, Topman, Burtons, Miss Selfridge and British Home Stores.

seems as if he might know a bit more than some of the government pillocks trying to run the economy then...
Aren't the people with the highest (potential) tax bills also generally those with the most disposable income, and with businesses that employ people and generate profits? Lots of goods and services being bought and sold, money moving around and a VAT rake-off at each step for the Treasury. Lots of employees receiving a monthly pay cheque to support living costs and disposable income. Surely these are good things for an economy?

...and how many billions did the benefits system cost to run last year? 2009/10 figures had it at £165 billion. Apparently the benefits system also has its (un)fair share of loopholes and dodges.

To address the budget imbalance, we should consider "less spend" as well as "more tax"... :)
Now look here! some of us have been up since 4am today and were just getting a 5 min relaxation fix of bees before hitting the sack, then you lot have to put this on. Makes my blood boil, but as the almighty HM said maybe we should just watch and learn!!

I've just signed a petition asking George Osborne to pay his fair share of taxes. It turns out he's using "legal" loopholes to get out of paying £1.6million in tax. He says "we're all in this together" so if we are, shouldn't he be paying his fair share of tax?

George does not appear to be much different to Starbucks ect, when it comes to dodging tax.
In terms of boycotts, which seem to have had an effect (whether or not desirable is a different topic), what alternatives are there to Google? I'm trying "duck duck go" at the moment, but there must be other search engines out there...
In terms of boycotts, which seem to have had an effect (whether or not desirable is a different topic), what alternatives are there to Google? I'm trying "duck duck go" at the moment, but there must be other search engines out there...

I wonder how much Tax money will be spent on all the new mum Kates living on large estates next year ?

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